Moment of Zen during daily commute

River at sunrise
Glass shattered by rowing oars
But quickly mended

This morning I took a different way to work - one that takes me right beside the Clinch River. I don't know why I went to work this way today, I just did.

The river this morning was as smooth as glass. It looked even more amazing with a light veil of steam/mist rising up from it, combined with the reflection of the sunrise.

And then, I noticed the rowers. There's rowing training going on in our area and a few teams were out practicing this morning.

I had to stop for a moment and capture it, in words and in images.

I saw the rowers - individuals, but moving and working as one. Working hard, straining their muscles... yet, functioning so gracefully.

I saw the water - its surface almost perfectly smooth and undisturbed. Then, sliced by the rowing oars, it rippled. But soon it returned to flat calm.

Disturber and disturbed. Worker and recipient. Supporter and supported.


A perfect illustration of our lives.

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