The ol' girl may be barely breathin', but the heart of TennZen is still beatin'

Just an update, so y'all wouldn't think I fell off the face of the planet or went into hiding.

TennZen (the person, not the blog) is in SHTF mode. It is now time critical for me.

My company is shutting down its Tennessee division, though the thoughtful, benevolent powers that be are still feeding the worker bees a boatload of bull and telling them/us that the sun is shining while we ourselves are looking out the windows and witnessing the torrential downpour.

In other words, the death bell is beginning to toll for TZ's workplace.

I am frantically scattering my resumes everywhere and calling in old favors. Thankfully I've done a lot of networking over the past few years and have made some friends in key places. I have some good leads... but no big bites as of yet.

Stress level is through the roof. Morale of co-workers is in the crapper. I'm doing my best to tread water.

It would be nice to do the housewife thing, but I have to work because, well, because I have to work. I am the primary breadwinner for our household. Mr. Zen has a good job, but he doesn't make the money that I make. I pay the majority of the bills. I carry the insurance. I buy the groceries and such.

So now that I'm facing the possibility of losing my own job - no formal announcement of corporate shutdown, but I know it's coming - I can't help but go into a little bit of panic mode. Okay, a LOT of panic mode.

So, that's the status of things 'round here.

BUT, Tater has been active in the kitchen.

Last night, he cooked the entire meal. Here are his porcupine meatballs...

1 lb. ground beef
1 1/4 c. white rice
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can beef broth
1 tsp. seasoned salt
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. onion powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix ground beef, 1/4 c. of rice, seasoned salt, Italian seasoning and onion powder. Mash it all together with your hands to incorporate everything well.

In a large baking pan, pour the remaining rice and spread it out evenly. Pour the beef broth over the rice and then pour in the tomatoes with their liquid. Spread out evenly.

Roll the beef mixture into golf ball sized balls and place in baking pan. Cover tightly with foil.

Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Really good served over hot buttered egg noodles.

BIG congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ranger Squirrel on their newest baby squirrel! She's a precious little thing!

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