Back in Business

So I'm last entry was in October 2006 and that's a good 3 years ago! So much has happened and yet quite some things have remained the same...

First up, I've crashed and burnt 2438934793749 times and I'm still a singleton. The last crashed and burnt account happened in 1 October whereby some very hot Austrian guy I dated was caught lying and he was actually dating other a way, I'm relieved in retrospect though at that point, I was totally least now I don't have to put up with his erm, short-comings....yes, literally...go figure....But now, after weeks of moping around, I'm quite happy being single. Been on couple of dates but well, they've been as bland as warm water passing off as soup. But I'm quite at peace yes, the crash and burn track record of mine has remained unchanged...still crashing and burning since 1998!

Everything else more or less has changed a bit. I've switched 2 jobs since and now relatively I'm back to living alone again now that my sister has gone back to Hong Kong for a bit...and the most unwelcoming change is probably the fact that my lovely boy Mr Bond has developed recurring urinary tract infection :(

In fact, he's sick now and he was rushed to the vet at night last Thursday and it was a quite a happening vet trip with a hysterical husky with a bone wedged in his mouth, a loud-mouthed white chick who later passed out and knocked her forehead on the floor and had to go to human hospital....Well, Bond hasn't got better that much and yesterday, again, was taken to the vet but was sent home after getting a subcutaneous IV drip and he's still the same today...I'm super worried now....

I hate to say this but I worry more about Mr Bond than my own grandpa when sickness is concerned. With animals, you really don't have a clue how they're feeling cos they can't talk...human's different...I would gladly give a year of my life in exchange of his recovery cos I don't want to live that long anyway...

The funny thing is that, medical bill for animals are so much higher than that of human kind. Mr Bond's emergency (after hours) consultation alone cost $214 bucks and the whole bill came up to $328 on Thursday night and yesterday his bill was $49.50...If it's me who got Urinary Track Infection, it would have cost 30 bucks, a couple of cranberry juice and 1.5 day for full recovery... oh well....

Oh...I forgot to say that another thing that's remained unchange is my bank account status...I'm still as broke as before....

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