Top Three Annoying Cab Ride Conversations of Late

Number 3
Bought food (MOS Burger), got in cab and taxi uncle said
“Wah lao, what’s that smell? So strong you know? EEEE! Your food’s gonna stink up my cab loh! Aiyoh!!!!”
What's the big deal? Nothing winding down the window a little can't fix to get rid of food smell. And thanks uncle, that stuff that stinks up your cab is my dinner and yes, I need to eat that stinky stuff after I get off the cab, so thank you very much.

Number 2
Got in cab, sinus attacked, blowing nose with tissue and taxi uncle said
“Eh you don’t anyhow throw the dirty tissue paper I warn you! Don’t stuff it in the back pocket or that slot on the door hor! You all people very ‘lup sup’ okay, so inconsiderate! And I got to clean for you all you know?”
WTF??? Excuse me? I didn’t throw it in your taxi so shut your trap and stop accusing me of things I didn’t do!!!!! So yes, I'm SO gonna chuck that snot-laden tissue wanton into your back pocket! You watch me!
And The Winning Entry, Numero Uno

At vet, called cab, Mr Bond in cage, got in cab and bloody driver said:
“Eh put that cat in the car boot!”
I said “No! You can’t!”
On the way and bloody driver banged on the steering wheel and complained:
“Haiyah, you know come and fetch you is super troublesome for me can? I must make so many U-turns okay, then go all the way there! Si bei mafan can! I saw the on-call screen wrongly that’s why I pressed then too late! Wah liew, if I see properly and know it’s at Mt Pleasant Animal Hospital, I wouldn’t even come and pick you up ok! KNN! Hai...mafan ah!”
WTF???? You douche bag! You’re going to hell to scoop kitty poo for eternity for demanding me to put Mr Bond in the boot! Somebody call PETA pronto! I called cab, you picked up the call and I paid for it, so shut your pie hole and don’t take your frustration on me! It’s not my fault your wife didn’t give you last night!
 Better Cab "Carma" next time........... grrrrrr

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