Ban Foie Gras! Stop Force Feeding! Eat Abalone!

Okay, look...some colleague of mine who's a regular reader of my blog gave me a challenge to blog about anything related to a topic he gave me. I said okay, bring it on! And he said please blog about "Bao Yu" (Chinese for Abalone). So okay, I shall blog about abalone! So Mr John Ang, this post is FOR YOU!

(Background info before I proceed: I'm 95% vegetarian. I used to be 100% but then about a year and a half ago, due to my vigorous fitness training, I was adviced to eat a bit of animal protein now and then to maintain muscle mass. So every week, I'll allow myself one meal of seafood and sometimes I skip that totally too)

When it comes to culinary guilty indulgence, I absolutely hate it when I hear people pigging out on foie gras for the simple reason that it's bloody cruel. There's this skanky blogger (OGT knows who she is!) who forever talks about how she loves foie gras and how she doesn't give a fuck about how cruel it is cos all she cares about is to eat it cos it tastes good. Now, that is despicable. Yes, there's of course free will to what one eats but to me, gushing so damn openly and shamelessly about it is tantamount to condoning animal cruelty and violence and that's something to be frown upon. If you like it, eat it and keep your pie hole shut. Cruelty and violence aren't something to be celebrated. It's one thing to not know about the cruelty behind foie gras and  innocently enjoy it but it's totally inhumane if you know and have seen how it's done but STILL go for it. SHAME ON YOU!

Please help me! I'm in mom and entire family's force fed to death and now it's my turn :(

So someone asked me what my culinary guilty pleasure is and what's good to replace foie gras with. Those know me would immediately tell you that my answer is WHITE TRUFFLE!!! Oh yeah...I often said that I was a truffle pig in my previous life that got shot down cos I ate up all the truffle. Then someone said, but white truffle's seasonal! So what to replace foie gras that can be enjoyed year round? And guess what? I say Abalone aka Bao Yu!

Why? Because:
  • It does not involve stuffing a poor goose with a tube and force feeding it to the point that the liver's diseased and enlarged and the poor bird can't even move and very often end up with lacerated oral cavity (hello? foie gras is essentially diseased liver...if you make pig stomach soup and you cut open the pig stomach and see a tumor, would you still cook and eat it? yeah..ditto with foie gras...and yes, my mom and grandma once cut open a pig stomach to find a stinky can verify with my mom if you don't believe)
  • Abalone is under the shell fish category and it doesn't have five senses so I don't think it feels much doesn't have a brain or nervous
  • Abalone is less unhealthy than foie gras which is essentially heart attack and cruelty on a plate
  • There're sooo many more ways to enjoy can braised it (for the huge ones), make porridge with it (yum), you can slice it and cook it with mushroom and veggies etc etc...foie gras is mostly just pan seared and pate...*yawn*
  • Eating abalone means you won't have to feel guilty about some poor goose was tortured to death for your culinary enjoyment...
  • By replacing foie gras with abalone, you play a part in stopping the demand for force-feeding and animal cruelty!
So have a heart! Ban Foie Gras! Stop Force Feeding! Eat Abalone instead! And speaking of which, here's the most kick-ass and biggest, baddest giant abalone I've ever's for my dad's 60th birthday celebration gala dinner in Hong's the size of my entire palm and everyone got one! My parents actually bought the abalones and had the restaurant prepared it and it took weeks to properly prepare it and I heard my mom had to go down to the restaurant every now and then prior to the dinner to "inspect" that it's properly done...cos my mom makes the best abalone!

See how BIG it is! It tasted divine too! We ate it like a steak, with fork and knife! Mama Mia!

So now...I need to go...I need to make Uncle John buy me kick-ass abalone lunch!

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