Work place's little annoyance

Ever since I bid goodbye to the horrible shithole I used to work at in Suntec City, my dog days are over! Now I have nice decent colleagues and a nice office with fantastic scenary completed with an array of cool wide life all around. Hello squirrels! I have so much fun watching them! Yes, there're no more MAJOR work place hazards in the likes of serious office politics, insane backstabbing, blatant credit stealing and secret sabotaging of sorts. But as with every work place, no matter how perfect it is (unless you work for yourself of course...), there're still little annoyances. Not enought to kill you but they're like irritating little flies buzzing around you that won't go away. And here are some of my pet peeves:

  • colleagues who talk so loud that you can't work and concentrate cos all you can focus on is how loud the voice is
  • colleagues who pretend to be so bloody busy and whine to the whole damn world how tortured and how busy that are to the point that they don't have time to eat and are gonna get bladder stones cos they are so damn busy that they don't have time to go pee
  • colleagues who're permanently whining...extra hating if the damn bloody person's so much more well-paid than you are. Seriously, you get more money, you get more work, so zip it and work
  • colleagues who eat all your snacks and never replaces
  • colleagues who come talk to you about work while you're eating your lunch at your desk
  • colleagues who are permanently black-faced and look at you from the corners of their eyes, or totally not look at you while you're talking to them
  • colleagues who never bring tissue paper with them and forever leeches on you and take your last piece of tissue paper and you end up having greasy mouth from lunch cos you have none left to wipe yours
  • colleagues who borrow money for cab and lunch and never return. Yes, small amount (most of the time), but they all add up
  • colleagues who're tactless and have anything but good things to "Oh what's with that zit?" or "Ewww, what happened to your hair?"...darling, zit and bad hair are temporary, lack of brain and EQ isn't
  • colleagues who talk only about themselves and their favorite topic over and over and over and over again...seriously? Shut the hell up really. Not everything is about you.
  • colleauges who forever dictate where to eat for lunch, again, it's always about them
  • colleagues who invade your desk space
  • colleagues who use stuff and never put back and mess everything up
  • colleagues who form little cliques and exclude everyone else. Dearies, this isn't high school anymore
  • colleagues who ask for last-minute stuff to be done for them
  • colleagues who look like you own them your life when you ask them to do something within their jobscope
  • colleagues who perpetually snoop at your computer screen to see what you're doing
  • colleagues who borrow things (like books, pens and everything else) and don't return
So here you add on more annoying little habits in comments if you have more to add!

Btw, I've just booked my air ticket to Hong Kong for Lunar New Year and to make it even more exciting, my dad has planned a family trip to Chiang Mai for 5 days. Woot woot! Now I have something to look forward to!!!

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