Fishball fix....

Okay day 2 of food fix and I've got the famous HK curry fishball that used to play a major part in my's not just any random fishball and it's certainly not the type you get in Singapore cos the real HK roadside fishball isn't perfectly round. They're a bit small and irregular in shape and they're super springy with super nice chewy texture! It comes in 2 flavor normally...original and curry...of course the curry is the better one but some people think it's too spicy! And I've found a seriously good one in Yuen Long... says super spicy, springy fishball....mega yumz!
I bought 4 sticks but instead of giving me in little sticks, they put them in a tub....and it's fantastic!...I remember when I was in primary school, I used to buy it from the mobile hawker outside my school and if I get the curry sauce on my white shirt, I would get shit from my mom cos the sauce is a total bitch to wash's almost like a permanent dye of sort....tumeric they said but it might just be yellow highlighter fluid...haha...but who tastes divine...childhood memory...this stall sells really yummy Japanese Takoyaki too! And original as well cos they're smaller like the ones in Japan...the ones is Singapore aren't the same as the one in Japan...didn't manage to take a snap shot cos it disappeared within a minute after I opened the box but here's how the fishball looked like....
See how it's actually smaller than the ones we're used to in Singapore?
Anyway, it's freeeezing today. The weather's been totally nuts cos yesterday was insanely warm at 25 degrees and it was so warm my mom contemplated turning on the aircon and this morning, the temperature suddenly dropped and it's now 13 degrees and I'm freezing my stupid ass off....I'm now all wrapped up like the Michelin man with thick jackets and I even had to wear a beanie cos it was that cold and windy...and I'm now having a buzzing headache from standing in the wind waiting for the car....Tomorrow's our family trip and I'm totally thrilled to know that we're not only going to Chiang Mai but we're doing a Tri-nation run to also Myanmar and Laos!!!! Awesome! Will try to take more pictures!

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