Nine rocks!

Finally! I got to watch Nine and I love it!! I'm rating it 4 stars out of 5! Here are all the low-downs of what I think of the movie:

The Good:
  • Excellent production quality! 
  • Good directing with a good intersperse of music and it wasn't a musical overkill....
  • Great acting from the cast!
  • Catchy music
  • Fantastic choreography! My favorite number's the scene where Fergie was doing the dance on the chair with flying sand and the tambourine. Fergie is superb in there! For that little bit of screen bit Fergie got, putting on 9kg for the role seemed to be quite a big sacrifice in my book....but she's got nice voluptuous boobs I feel like squeezing....very jealous....
  • Sofia Loren looks regal in the film!
  • Daniel Day-Lewis looks ever so suave and charming...despite being a prick
  • The baby blue Alfa Romeo is super cute! And so are the rest of the old school Fiat vans! I love!
  • The scenes were beauuuutiful...Italy is beauuuuutiful
The Bad:
  • I hate the fact that they all speak Italian-accented English instead of Italian...Yes, I know it's a Hollywood film but it's still not okay for me....though they got the "Pronto" correct while picking up the phone........
  • The wardrobe looks too modern to be in the 60s....the cut of the outfit isn't quite from the 60s and after awhile, you kinda forgot that you're watching a movie based in the 60s...and the pointed bustline of the 60s was so exaggerated in the film that if a balloon fly by, it'll burst...costumes are important you know?
  • The sexy dance by Penelope Cruz is a bit scary because her hair looks more psychotic than bed-head...but other than that she did a great job! I love her still!
  • Nicole Kidman's got a bit too much botox and her forehead looks like a flatscreen tv and when she was singing to Guido Contini around the fountain...she looked almost expressionless :( It ruined the scene
  • Dame Judi Dench was rather scary with her low cut outfit....don't get me wrong...I love her but it's a bit scary to see crinkly saggy jiggly boobies that were about to spill out of her bra cup
Moral of the Story:
  • Never get involved/date/marry a player....a player is a fucker who'll screw your life with no remorse and he will not change....
  • Trying to commit suicide by overdosing with 5 to 6 pills will not kill you and will only make you look like a zombie with very dark rings around the eye (aka the Penelope Cruz scene)
  • Don't over tan yourself or you'll look wrinkly and leathery ala Sofia Loren (don't get me wrong, I love her!)
Thing is, I really love Penelope Cruz' and Nicole Kidman's characters cos they resonate with me the most cos it's a bit of a "Been there, done that" thing whereby at some point in my life, I've been stuck in shitty ratty romantic situation like, not involved with a married man but more like an asshole whom I couldn't quite bring myself to cut him was almost poignant watching Penelope Cruz begged Guido to not leave her's heart-wrenching...sometimes I wonder why people (not just woman obviously) put themselves in shitty situation like that....oops...digressing... but anyway, the most important thing is, I'm happy now and Nine is a kick-ass musical....BB, who actually said "I don't like musical" confessed that he actually found the song and dance numbers in the movie fascinating and he said "I was hoping the normal drama part would go away quickly and then fast forward to the singing and dancing"...haha.....

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