Hello Kitty Identity

I'm a lucky girl cos my BB is a sweetheart and he would fetch me little surprises like flowers and stuff and the other day, he got me Hello Kitty candy tin and stickers! It's lovely!

It's sweet that BB knows that I'm a sucker for Hello Kitty and I really appreciate the fact that he's got me on his thoughts all the time and will bring me little things. BB said I don't have to thank him cos these are small things but really, it's the small things that matters....but I'm super proud of the fact that BB is one of those men who can tell fake Hello Kitty from real Hello Kitty!!! Especially when there're quite a bit of fake Hello Kitty knock-offs around...I went online to search for some pictures of fake Hello Kitty but I can't seem to find it......anyway, how I wish I work somewhere near a shopping mall so I can bring home something cool for BB sometimes....right here, I can only get stuff like surgical masks, syringes and bandage....hmm...not very sexy....Oh....but the Hello Kitty candy's not that great tasting though...but who cares...I love the tin...

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