Match Point....

Once upon a time, my very gorgeous work neighbour Chris and I were chatting about her brand new relationship with a very loving boyfriend. Chris said everything feels right with him and I asked her to define what she meant by "right" cos you know, all these stuff about love is kinda ambiguous...the airy fairy stuff that nobody can be that sure of (or that's what I used to think at least). Chris said she knew it's right cos she misses the person even when she spends time with him every day and somehow it doesn't seem to be enough cos when they're apart for a bit, they miss each that point, I thought she was crazy cos first of all, I couldn't stand seeing the same person everyday, let alone spending quality time with the same person day in day out. Looking at Chris' dreamy face made my hair stand cos she looked all super loved-up...the vomit-inducing kind of loved-up to the romantic skeptics of the world....I was insanely jealous cos I thought that would never happen to begin with...the idea of seeing the same guy every day was challenging if not off-putting....You can't blame me for being such a major skeptics cos my romantic crash-and-burn track record has been phenomenally sterling. Cheating ex-es, lying ex-es, possessive ex-es, explosive-tempered ex-es, bf who wasn't over the ex, fair weather bf, abusive bf.....oh...of course not forgetting the tiny baby-sized skin tag peen bf.....What do you expect? With that kinda shit record you can't expect me to be all dreamy by the window sill with a little birdie perched there singing Disney tunes while waiting for my prince charming and actually believing it would happen...... Come on, tiny baby-sized skin tag peen track record you know???

THEN something happened and I joined Chris' club....I met BB and then I totally understand what Chris meant and now I vomit-induce the romantic skeptics in me but at the same time, I've never been happier....and so, here's Miss B's Top 10 Signs of a Good Match...

Top 10 Signs of a Good Match
  1. You can spend everyday with the person without getting tired or sick of the person and very often you want more...yes yes, honeymoon but if it's the right one, even when the honeymoon's over, spending time would be pleasant still.....I used to cringe at the idea cos with "Mr Skin Tag Peen", at times when I got on the cab to go home, I felt "Oh great, now I can spend some time alone finally"....not good
  2. There's no annoying rubbish like "So What Are We?" or anything awkward along the line of needing to define the relationship or the lack thereof. When it's right, you mutually decide to be in it exclusively and work on it. You commit. With Skin Tag Peen, there was sooo much second-guessing, like oh if he's dating other people was that's not what a good match is. With the right one, you won't have situation like "Oh we're dating but let's not jump to conclusion cos well, it's not really exclusive yet, we're still seeing how it goes blah blah blah"....well skin tag peen was two-timing me with a super skank...eewww
  3. You don't feel insecure....well, with all the second guessing gone, you just feel more secure....I remember my first serious bf was forever talking about his ex and pining after her and that sucked ass....and I second-guessed so much, wondering if he's really over her or if he's dating me out of convenience etc...I dunno how I put up with it for 1.5 year....voodoo, must be was crap, you don't want voo-fucking-doo do you?
  4. You make plans together instead of leaving things plan your week and weekends...and the future too and you plan your stuff with the other person in mind...unlike a certain asshole who used to rock up once every 2 months claiming "Oh baby I miss you"...OGT would know who I'm talking about...bastard
  5. Hanging out gets super more oh-I-better-be-on-best-behaviour or I-better-impress can just be yourself and enjoy and even get appreciated being can even talk about issues properly....
  6. You're able to do nothing together without getting uncomfortable....there were just some guys I couldn't stand doing nothing with...I got really restless after awhile...I'd be secretly hoping to be left alone...bad sign
  7. The conversation just flows naturally and even silence is more what-should-we-talk-about issues......
  8. Phyiscal contact and intimacy are sensual and emotional (of course sometimes carnal too)....not just some random wam-bam-thankyou-mam crap.... or tag peen *shudder*.....there used to be a couple I know who did not enjoy the physicals....the girl said (verbatim) "Kissing was disgusting" that's very very bad news...if you're reading it, you know who you are and you'd better do something about it....
  9. There's no more holding more I'd-better-not-be-too-nice-to-him thing or I'd-better-not-say-I Love You/I Miss you-first're secure and comfortable enough to tell what's on your mind
  10. When the "I Love You" becomes more about the "You" than the "I"....that's when you place the other person first and it's about the person and who he/she is rather than how he/she makes you's not about loving the person cos he/she makes you feel good/happy/orgasmic/loved/pampered/special (delete where necessary) but you love the person for who he/she is you go....I need to soothe my inner skeptics cos it's been barfing's slowly getting the hang of it but it's sometimes telling me "oh well, we'll see how long that last now"....but I think at some point, I hope my inner skeptic would puke so much and choke on its own vomit and just die :)

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