SG vs PRC?

BB once mentioned that someone he knows is super critical of the Chinese nationals in Singapore (often known as "PRCs")...well the locals indeed aren't exactly the most welcoming when it comes to PRCs cos PRCs are supposedly: 1) Rude 2)Loud 3)Uncultured 4)Unrefined 5)Money-grabbing and cunning 6)Uneducated 7) country pumpkins 8)Dirty and doing stuff like throwing used sanitary pads out of window 9) Spit everywhere, and 10)___________(insert negative adjective of choice)

BB didn't get why the locals are so anti-PRCs .....thing is BB hasn't been to China yet, so I said if he takes a trip to China, he'll: 1)experience super filthy toilets with no doors decorated by poo-smeared floor (Ah Meow went to one with used sanitary pads all over the cubicles in Ha'rbing) 2)get nudged and pushed without apologies 3)need to shout real loud just to get stuff done like ordering a few char siew baos for example (Ah Meow can attest to this too)'s just the culture in China and that's what got all the prejudice and bigotry started. Can't be blame though, considering the fact that I've personally been to a toilet cubicle which was essentially a drain without door the last time I was there with my family and I was stupid enough to use the last cubicles and I literally saw poo floated pass :S So if you ever find yourself in need to use the drain toilet, do not go to the last one!

I'm somewhat prejudiced myself and I admit I do have some preconceptions about PRCs and I do think there are indeed quite a lot of rude PRCs (but I'm not anti-PRCs cos I have a few PRC friends and they're nice)..... however, what got me thinking is that well, local Singaporeans love to wag their fingers and diss PRCs for being uncouth and uncultured but have they actually thought about whether they, the local themselves, are really that refined and cultured?

Cos while doing my daily newspaper monitoring a couple of days ago, I saw a reader wrote into My Paper (2 March 2010) expressing her disappointment in rude Singaporeans. I immediately showed Ah Meow and we both agreed that there're in fact, a hell lot of very rude Singaporeans out there! The reader said she got rudely dissed at in Holland Village Coffee Bean by a bunch of smoking teenagers who were blocking the door way as her husband nicely told them to move and then some road rage woman who didn't signal cussed "Fuck" (I'm assuming it's fuck cos she said 4-letter word...but could be c#%t...hmm) at her despite being in the wrong....

And it's TRUE! There're really a hell lot of uncouth and rude Singaporeans out there! In fact, all the rude shit I've experienced so far are mainly locals!!!! I remember some redneck (un)gentleman snatched my cab and when I said to him "Excuse me but that's my cab!" and he mumbled "Bitch" and went off....WTF????? Seriously???? And don't get me started with all those rude aunties with long pointy toe nails who would push you around the MRT just to get a seat or men, yes men!, who dash into the door without a word of thanks as I, the girl, yes, the girl (you know the gender with a vijayjay?), am holding the door open....ohh...or the people in the buses and trains that fall asleep instantly on cue the moment an old frail grandma walks in? In fact, the dashing-in door man thing and sleeping on cue on public transport trick happen very often.... my point is, Singaporeans are not the most courteous bunch....and please don't say stuff like "Oh but we're so much better compared to the mainland Chinese" cos if you do the downward comparison, you can never get better cos that's the loser way of comparing....let's face it, if Singaporeans are really so damn socially graceful, then why the hell do the government need to come up with a national courtesy campaign, completed with "Singa" the courtesy lion??? That says a lot I think....and it's really quite lame....
Good old Singa the Courtesy Lion is the pot calling the kettle black or what? I really wonder.....

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