View From Above...

Whenever I'm on a flight, I wonder what're the real reasons for "Please stow all baggage under the seat or in the overhead compartment, stow your table tray, put your seat upright and window shades up" thing during take off and landing......thing is, I know the whole drill is supposed to help you escape the cabin as quickly as possible by not creating clutter and blockage but then I'm just not too sure about the windown shades thing...why must it be up? So to find out, I asked my good old Uncle Josh on msn who used to be an SQ boy....

B: Eh you last time SQ right, ask you something. How come whenever during landing and take-off, they'll make you put the bag under the seat, then get your seat upright and then the window shades up? You know they wouldn't even let me hold on to my Alexa okay...poor bag gotta go under the seat damn it....

J: ok..basically whatever they tell you to do before take-off and landing is to make sure if the plane can get outta the aircraft as fast as possible. So the trays must be stowed, seats upright..bags stowed to clear all possible walkways. As for the window to make sure if anything can see wat's for example..if there's a fire outside your side of aircraft, they will direct u elsewhere lor..

B: Orh so meaning take-off and landing time are the most likely time to crash and lang-ga then?

J: Ah but then???
   You in the air crash and lang-ga with what?

B: But if it's mid air and mid flight and your bag is on your lap or all over the floor then you also die no? Cos walkway blocked or whatever. And can't it be mechanical fault? And anyway, most of the time air crash isn't during landing and take-off no?

J: Miss Cheung, ms cheung..mid flight you run outta the cabin to where?
if mid air..still need aircraft to land before you go out..
and from 30k ft to the ground still got time to prepare everything..
so mid flight no need to do all those..

Hahaha...I see!!!! And as you can see, I'm not that smart, totally forgetting that you have nowhere to escape mid-air...but Uncle Josh said I'm not the only moron who asked the same question....this question is often asked during SIA training...LOL...the msn conversation then continued...

J: n please lor..we ask the passengers to do all those and already so many people complain and do begrudgingly liao..can u imagine if they make people do all that throughout the entire flight?

B: Ya, I guess if it's mechanical fault mid air, you're probably gonna crash and die anyway

J: Ah like that they'd better let you keep the table tray down so you can write your last words


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