Properties of soursop leaf to cancer

Sometimes we underestimate of the actual plant has tremendous benefits. In this case the leaves of the soursop has a substance or a natural ingredient which is used to treat various diseases.Properties of soursop leaf to cancer - chemotherapy currently remains the main option for treating cancer. Many people believe cancer can be treated only with chemotherapy, but there are actually more powerful than the chemo. What is it? Soursop leaves! Yes, the leaves of the soursop has the effect of 10,000-fold more potent than chemotherapy!Imagine,, 10,000 TIMES STRONGER FROM CHEMOTHERAPY! Rather remarkable properties of soursop leaf to cancer?Soursop plants first came into Indonesia brought by the Dutch, although the plant is not from Europe but from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Plant with the Latin name Annona muricata L is a very healthy fruit, but in fact the most remarkable is the leaves of the soursop. Properties of soursop leaf to cancer has long been known.Soursop leaves contain acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin. That's what makes the soursop leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat various types of diseases, especially cancer, chronic diseases and non-chronic diseases.Soursop leaves have very unusual properties that can inhibit bacterial growth, inhibit the virus, inhibiting the development of the parasite, inhibiting tumor growth, merileksasi muscle, anti-spasm, relieve pain, suppress inflammation, inhibits the gene mutation, lowers blood sugar levels, reduce fever, lowering high blood pressure, strengthens the nerves, heart healthy, it increases milk production in women, blood vessels dilate, kill worms parasait, reduce stress, strengthen digestion and improve appetite. The most remarkable is the soursop leaves have anti-cancer substances (acetogenins) whose strength 10,000-fold more potent than chemotherapy.

Evidence of efficacy Soursop LeafHistorical evidence shows the efficacy of soursop leaf has been known by the ancient Indians who use soursop leaf to cure heart disease, asthma, liver and rheumatism. Of fakat it later emerged that the study tried to reveal the properties of soursop leaf to cancer. The results of her research is extraordinary, soursop leaf to save the enormous potential to become cancer herbal medicine.Prior to 1970, various scientific studies prove efficacious extracts soursop tree is better than chemotherapy, and even extract can slow cancer growth. National Cancer Institute has conducted scientific research in 1976 and the results expressed the stem and leaves of the soursop effectively attack and destroy cancer cells.Research conducted in Korea have also found that there is a chemical compound found in soursop, act selectively kill colon cancer cells as well as 10,000 times more potent chemotherapy drugs. In addition, these compounds are known to selectively target cancer cells that do not damage healthy cells.While a study conducted recently found that leaves of the soursop tree is very effective for prostate cancer, pancreatic and lung cancer. This amazing discovery accidentally saved over the years so many people are not aware of it.20 Based on laboratory tests that have been conducted since 1970 that an extract from the soursop tree is very useful, such as:
1. Can attack the cancer cells effectively because it does not harm healthy cells, and does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss.
2. Has effectively target and kill malignant cells for 12 types of cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
3. Increase the energy in the body.
4. Protecting the immune system and avoid deadly infections.

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