Cucumbers Are Good For Skin Health

Cucumbers tend to be less attractive to most people, while cucumber has many benefits. Able to be eaten directly, or used as fresh vegetables with sauce. The first cucumber history dating back hundreds of years ago, cucumbers believed to be useful for skin health, what's the secret? It turns out that behind the freshness of the fruit contains a lot of water is stored vitamin C and acid kafeat that help relieve skin irritations and reduce fluid buildup under the skin. This is why a cucumber is often used to compress the tired and puffy eyes, treating dry skin, sunburn, acne, exsim, and itching from insect bites. Cucumbers are also popular as a friend of a woman because of its value as a natural cosmetic for beautifying the skin. Cucumber slices are often used as a face mask to refresh and smooth the skin, eliminating black spots, and reduce excess oil on the face. Therefore many salons, both conventional and Muslim salon using cucumber as the material for treatment at his salon.

Mineral water and potassium content of cucumber also play a role in removing excess uric acid and metabolic waste through the kidneys. Excessive uric acid in the blood will form crystals that accumulate and cause disease dipersendian arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore if you suffer from arthritis or kidney stones, eat cucumber.

TIPS ABOUT cucumber
1. Choose cucumbers that are not soft, bright green to dark green. Do not select a cucumber is yellow, flabby, wrinkled skin, and there is a layer of wax. We suggest choosing organic cucumber.
2. So that no bitter after the peel cucumbers, cut both ends of cucumbers, then rub out etah play until white, then wash with water flowing
3. Cucumbers are very sensitive to heat, do not store cucumbers at room temperature or exposed to direct sunlight because it will make the cucumber wilt. Store in refrigerator for a week so durable. But if you want to get maximum quality and freshness of flavor, cucumber consumption minimal1-2 days after purchase
4. If there are remaining cucumbers that are already peeled and cut, pack in plastic wrap. Then store in tight containers to keep fresh cucumber and does not suffer from drought (water loss) when stored in the refrigerator will last for one day.
SKIN BENEFITS and cucumber seeds
Skin and seed the cucumber should not be discarded as nutritious.
Cucumber skin is rich in fiber, vitamin A, minerals, silica, potassium and silica Magnesium.Mineral act to maintain healthy connective tissues (muscles, joints and bones). Also contains folic acid are useful to prevent brain damage in babies at birth. Because it consumes the following cucumber skin is very good for women hamil.Tapi careful with cucumbers are coated with wax. Should be washed under running water to remove the wax. If you want to eat the cucumber without peeling the skin, you should choose organic.
Cucumber seeds contain Vitamin E to slow aging and remove wrinkles. Besides worms cucumber seeds also contain alkaloids that hypoxanthine is used to treat, especially in children.

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