Natural Ways to Shrink Stomach

Person's self confidence could be due to some things because of the ideal body. The ideal weight makes people more confident. The person's lack of confidence that if you have a fat belly. And abdominal fat is to make less confident. Fat people tend to be a lot of fat and prone to high cholesterol. Since the number of fat contained in the stomach so that stomach fat. Do not be afraid and hopeless with abdominal fat. There are several ways to ward off the fat that makes us less confident because of abdominal fat. There are several ways to shrink belly fat, other than by way of wearing a corset, can also use the plants around you. That is by taking herbal potions, which can dilakukkan regularly at home and can be done alone.

Dutch identity leaves
The herb drink:
Materials - materials:
• 5-7 lbr Dutch identity leaves
• 1 thumb bulbs bangle
• 1.5 cups of water
How to mix:
A. Boil all the ingredients with clean water until the water to 1 cup, strain, chill.
2. Drink 2 x daily morning and evening before meals.

The herbs are massaged:

Red Ginger
Materials - materials:
• 1 thumb of ginger grated
• 1 point squeezed lime juice
• 1 tablespoon of pure coconut oil (VCO) or olive oil
How to mix:
A. Mix all ingredients together until smooth, flat after all, then smeared the potion in the stomach.
2. Perform 2 x daily morning and evening
Insha Allah to drink the potion above the belly fat will be evicted and will be small, all the pants will be loose. If you do a routine and be patient. See the results.

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