Keep healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis

Who wants to bone loss? Surely no one ever wants it .... Beware of this, because human beings have the power to move and stand because of the healthy bone. However, if the bones are not healthy, not strong, there is thinning then you've certainly hit Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Bone loss term that is feared by everyone when it is older age. Watch out because when it occurs will cause the body to be bent and can not indulge the maximum
Osteoporosis can affect anyone. Would that we keep our bones that the future is not affected by this bone disease. Since young people get used to meet the needs enough calcium every day. Milk is one of the drinks full of nutrients and high calcium. The notion that drinking milk only for children should be removed. Is not it better to drink milk instead of coffee? Even the coffee is considered by some experts as a cause of heart disease because of its caffeine content.
Usually women are more susceptible to this disease Osteoporosis. People at high risk of Osteoporosis disease include:

1. People aged over 65 years.
2. Has a small body and thin or slender.
3. Anyone have a family history of disease Osteoporosis.
4. Women who have entered a period menoupause.
5. Women who have a hysterectomy.
6. People who are deficient in meeting the needs enough calcium.
7. People who consume less adequate nutrition.
8. Smokers.
9. Alcoholics.
10. Do not exercise regularly.
11. Using a type of corticosteroid drugs, diuretic (laxative urine) and blood-thinning medications.
After learning that 11 people at high risk of this disease, we should always pay attention and maintain the health of our bones. Because the bones become the foundation of our body. Regular exercise and adequate in meeting the needs of calcium and other nutrients is essential.

Here are some precautions to prevent osteoporosis in old age:

1. Foods
And consuming countries like the U.S. dairy producers would have a high risk of osteoporosis, whereas women in Hong Kong Asia yangs edikit consume and produce milk only half the risk of Osteoporosis. One of the determining factors are the foods rich in calcium, asia woman Menu loaded with green vegetables, beans (red beans, green beans) and soy products (tofu, tempeh, soy milk) rich in phytoestrogens, natural estrogen that the body needs to facilitate the absorption of calcium. Eat other calcium suppliers in the form of fish (anchovies, rebon), Sardines and mackarel canned (with bones) and dried fruits, cereals (jali, oatmeal)

2. Calcium saving
     One study revealed that calcium saving mmeperkuat a very early age and reduce the risk of bone fractures during aging. Calcium will not form bone growth, but adds its mass to 30 years old. The addition of sufficient calcium as an adult is very important because it can reduce the risk of brittle bones and prevent fractures. At menopause, estrogen levels are decreased so that the bones lose calcium.

So, how to save calcium? The main, first fill the adequacy kasium at least 900-1000 mg per day. The main sources include: soybeans and their processed products (tempeh, tofu, soy milk), green leafy vegetables (cassava leaves, papaya leaves, leaf katuk, kale, spinach, mustard greens) milk, canned sardines.

A study showed that women and men who consumed 760 mg of calcium a day had fewer fractures than those who only consume as much as 400 mg of calcium a day.

3. Optimizing Estrogen Hormone Therapy
Brittle bones occur when estrogen levels decline. With increasing age, the bones lose calcium so it is not dense and brittle. Menopausal women at higher risk of osteoporosis because of decreased exposure of estrogen production. In the body, estrogen helps calcium absorption into the bone so that when estrogen levels fall, then she would quickly lose bone calcium

Replacement of estrogen to improve bone formation and compaction, and return us to pre-menopausal period. Restoration occurs after therapy samapai twenty six months and will last as long as we use estrogen.

When using estrogen diving for many years in the menopause, we just lost 16 percent of bone density when the age of 50 and 80 years. That is, we will have a bone density 22 percent higher than in women who never menggunkana estrogen to 73 percent lower risk of fracture.

4. Consuming vitamin D
Adequacy of nutrients to help block the absorption of calcium and washing of the bone. Especially vitamin D and some micro minerals, such as boron and manganese. Without enough vitamin D, bone growth is weak and low density. You see, the charge of using an array of vitamin D in bone calcium deposition to solid, strong and massive. Sources of vitamin D is generally the type of fatty fish, such as canned salmon, canned sardines, carp, as well as milk, eggs and eels that levels of vitamin D was significantly higher 10-fold levels in fish or 50 times the milk! Supply of vitamin D can be increased by basking in the sun in the morning at least 15 minutes. Ultraviolet rays convert provitamin D work that is naturally present in the body into vitamin D.

5. Optimizing levels of manganese
Dr. Jeanna-Graves, a professor of nutrition at the University of Texas USA, suggested that women with fragile bones are usually those that manganese levels in their blood 1/3 lower than healthy women. When the adequacy of nutrient intake met the body absorb calcium competed twice the usual. This proves how great a role in helping the absorption of manganese kasium. Therefore, she recommends that women consume pineapple juice, which contains manganese which is more readily absorbed.

6. Sport
Start exercising regularly. Choose a walking, running (jogging) cycling, yoga, tai chi or aerobics. It all stresses on the earth so that the bones of the body are stimulated to become more dense.

Sources: Nirmala Magazine

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