Stop Smoking, Love your lungs

Smoking is a bad habit of a person with the intention of smoking can calm themselves or other reasons why they become smokers. Everyone knows that smoking is dangerous because it contains toxins in cigarettes, like nicotine, tar and insect toxins and other substances that can damage the body.
A person who intends to quit smoking is very difficult because it seems they have got a certain satisfaction and this is the result of opium in cigarettes so that smokers are getting love and can even increase the levels of smoking over a pack of cigarettes. So what's the solution ...?? There are a few tips that may provide a solution to slowly and gradually in order to quit smoking.
Tips on How to Stop Smoking
1. Buy cheap cigarette products and the quality of the mediocre
Usually when people who are used to smoke the cigarettes that taste good, and one day smoking a cigarette that would feel uncomfortable itching in the throat and does not taste like the tongue or tasteless. This is expected to reduce the intensity of smoking. In addition, most people would be embarrassed if public smoking cigarette cigarettes cheap, so if you want to smoke should find a quiet place, different if the cigarette is expensive. So with offhand, he mengebulkan smoke cigarettes in public places.
2. Stop the habit of waiting or idle without activity.
Usually smokers prefer to smoke kill his spare time. So there is no activity, he must immediately go to his pack of cigarettes. Well, that's always a busy time content, for example if you are in a public place if you are a man, find a seat next to a beautiful woman and ask him to talk, so you will not forget the cigarettes. As soon run out of conversation, try opening your phone and start chatting or just browsing activities.
3. Get in the habit of smoking while drinking either coffee or iced.
If you've used to smoke accompanied by coffee or ice like me, so if there is no smoke drink too lazy.
4. If t his time smoking rgesa really want to smoke, then wait for another few minutes until the urge is gone.
If you still want to smoke, inhale deeply through your mouth, then remove it gently with your lips narrowed. Repeat 5-10 times.
5. Try to bring a mint in your pocket.
If the desire to smoke arises again, try sucking a mint in your pocket. Hopefully, candy can reduce the craving to smoke.
6. Tell those around you if you really intend to quit smoking.
Tell friends, family and anyone else if you resolve to quit smoking was unanimous. So, in addition to those who still smoke to feel ashamed of smoking in front of you, also will receive support that makes you feel not alone so that it appears incredible power to manifest your desires it.
7. Mix with people who have successfully quit smoking.
It is hoped you will be able to share these tips most powerful of them to quit smoking.
8. Move all items related to smoking.
Items such as ashtrays, lighters will only remind you to smoke.
9. Do not mind the provocation of others.
If you include only smokers ntu u k-style or do not want to say a sissy by your friends. Rest assured, that you were a real man. Imagine, if they are exposed to smoking and impotence at a young age was you who did not smoke until the age of 70 years is still greng. Who is a real man to try?
10. Try to look inward.
Try to ask yourself, what did you get with smoking. If you can write one after the pros and cons of smoking it.
11. Everything is back to yourself. Because there is motivation to change yourself, so that his determination not half = half.
Hopefully you can do it in stages and may not be drastic you stop smoking. Always remember and be aware of the dangers of smoking to the body. Good luck .....

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