How To Clear Acne Face Breakouts Naturally

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One of the most frustrating and annoyingly persistent and distressing skin disorders is acne. No sooner than one pimple starts fading away, another one crops up. This condition occurs in its worst form in teenagers, as at this age, the body undergoes major hormonal changes. If you want to clear acne face breakouts naturally you do not have to look far. Natural acne remedies are available right in your own kitchen

1. Let's begin with one of the best natural cures for acne, aloe vera. Products which contain this substance as their active ingredients, not only help in reducing acne outbreaks, but also help in acne scar removal. You can also apply the gel of the plant directly to the affected area.

2. The plain lemon juice for acne treatment is favored by many users. It removes excess oil, kills bacteria and acts as a detoxifying agent. An easy way is to squeeze juice from a fresh lemon in a small bowl. Dip a clean cotton ball in the juice, and dab it over the affected skin.

3. A WELL BALANCED DIET, with low fat and starch content but rich in fiber and moderate protein is advised. Fruits and other food sources rich in vitamin A and E are important antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of sebum by Propioniobacterium acne. Palm oil instead of groundnut oil, honey instead of sugar is also advised.

4. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking water will help flush the toxins that cause acne out of your system and help to clear your complexion. Water also helps your cells regenerate and pass on good nutrients.

5. One of the simple natural acne home remedies that work is a paste made from honey and cinnamon powder. Before going to bed, massage the paste onto the acne-hit areas and leave it overnight. Wash your face the next morning with regular face wash.

6. Oatmeal has been used as a home treatment for varied skin problems. Similarly, oatmeal paste and extract are some of the best acne natural cures. Cook oatmeal until softened and blend it with honey. Apply the mixture over acne, let it stay like that for 25 minutes and rinse with water.

7. A lot of natural moisturizers are also available locally. Egg white left on the skin and rubbed into it after a few minutes is a powerful agent. Other people use honey masks usually mixed with cinnamon powder which gives a more potent preparation against acne. Frequent washing and application of these natural soothers restores the smoothness of the skin and prevent the onset of acne pustules.

Receive help from troubling skin conditions with the best acne products and treatments.

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