Does Cow's Milk Cause Acne ?

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Now, if you have acne or acne marks, you possibly have used every single over the counter product you could lay your hands on ... and if you are like most people, then the results from these products lasted for a few days ... your acne seemed to subside for a few days, and before long was back again with full force ...

Acne has possibly been around since man had just learned to walk upright. That was several dozen centuries ago. Modern medicine has made spectacular strides in ensuring humans have a great health and long life. Science has made mind boggling advances. Yet, people with acne are still wondering ...

Is there no cure for acne ?

Diseases like plague that once were deadly to humans have almost been eliminated. People are supposed to be living longer, healthier lives now ...

But why is a permanent cure for acne not still in sight ? After all, acne is not a disease ... and it has been around for so long. And it affects people of all races. And companies are investing lots of money into acne research possibly since several decades.

Or is it that a cure has long since been known, but it's so simple that most people would not even consider trying it just because it's so simple ?

What if acne is caused by cow's milk ?

In case this seems to far fetched - just like one of those theories that say human beings were created as an experiment by an alien species, consider this :

Except humans, no adult animal of any species drinks milk of another species. And even calves themselves do not drink milk after they reach a certain age. Isn't the idea of adult humans drinking the milk of another mammal a strange and possibly repugnant idea ?

Cow's milk - the supposed to be "perfect food" ideal for anyone is also supposed to cause a host of other diseases and ailments - diseases from diabetes to cancer and a lot, lot more ...

There have been possibly hundreds of research papers that dispute the benefits attributed to milk. Drinking milk may cause a lot, lot more harm than good.

Why milk may cause acne ...

Cow's milk is usually contains lots of hormones - cow hormones. And it has the cow's pus cells too. When someone drinks cow's milk, then these hormones and pus cells of the cow has to be removed by the human liver which is already overloaded because it has also got to remove chemicals from pollution, processed foods and prescription medicines ...

And what happens when the liver has to handle stuff like this day in and day out ? What happens when the liver gets over worked because of all the hormones and pus cells in cow's milk ?

The liver just cannot clean the blood stream well enough ...

And then, these impurities - from cow's milk, processed foods and more - have to be removed by the other excretory organs - skin, kidneys or the colon ...

And acne may be what appears when the skin is ejecting impurities.

So cow's milk may actually cause acne - at least in people whose liver and kidneys are already over loaded and over worked from junk foods, prescription medicines, pollution and more.

Acne free diet ...

A diet free of all dairy products including milk and cheese, meats, fish, poultry and junk foods may be ideal for people with acne.

And just why quit eating meats, fish and poultry ?

Because these have loads of chemicals that are used to prevent the rotting animal flesh from stinking.

Animals that have been butchered start rotting immediately - and lots of chemicals are used to prevent the flesh from stinking and keep it looking fresh ...

And these chemicals also have to be cleaned from the blood stream by the liver. A diet filled with meats, milk, junk foods, fish and poultry can be the most horrible thing that can happen to the liver, kidneys and the skin.

On the contrary, a diet filled with fresh fruits, raw vegetables ( organic, of course ! ) and nuts can be a great blessing for all the internal organs because these foods are very nutritious, easy to digest and contain no harmful chemicals.

So if you want to be free of acne and have a beautiful complexion, you might want to try adopting a diet that's predominantly raw foods - fresh fruits, raw vegetables and nuts ( all organic ) ...

Your body and skin may thank you profusely for it :-)

For more on how to cure acne, you might want to see .

Receive help from troubling skin conditions with the best acne products and treatments.

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