Back Acne Makes Wearing A Swim Suit Almost Impossible

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It is embarrassing enough to have acne or your face; now it's back acne too. Especially during the teenage years, oil production in the skin is much higher and acne is caused when pores get clogged. It can affect other areas of the body as well as your face. Back acne, sometimes called bacne is a little tougher to treat than facial breakouts and it is not limited to teens, adults suffer from back acne also.
For one thing, the location alone makes it a lot more challenging. Because body acne occurs on the back, back of arms, and buttocks, you cannot really see how well you are cleaning these spots.
For a long time it was thought to be caused by oily foods, tight clothing, and sweating. Certainly these things are triggers yet we are finding now, hormones, family history, and lace of necessary vitamins. Heavy backpacks, sports equipment, and purses rubbing against the areas should be avoided as much as possible. Obviously if you are a football player, you cannot avoid the safety pads, but be sure to shower as soon as possible after a workout with an acne cleanser.
Back acne is often accompanied by deep cystic nodules that are painful and prone to leaving scars. As with facial acne, you should not try to open pimples. If you have a mild case with only occasional breakouts, try a cleanser made for acne and be sure the areas are dry before applying benzoyl peroxide lotions or gels. Remember that the peroxide will bleach the color out of anything that it touches so covering up with a plain white tee shirt will keep you from bleaching your clothing or sheets. Be gentle when washing affected areas. Scrubbing vigorously just causes more irritation.

If acne is moderate to severe, you should consult a dermatologist. You may need oral medications to get it under control. Vitamins for acne are available online or from your local health food stores. Antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycyline, minocycline, and erythromycin are often prescribed along with topical products. If these antibiotics fail to get the acne under control, amoxicillin or trimethiprim-sulfamethoxazole may be used. Accutane also may help some people, but it is often a last resort because it does pose a risk of side effects. It is very important to be consistent with medications and cleansing routines. If it is not working, let your doctor know. Sometimes it takes a little time to get just the right combination of products to effectively treat back acne.

Back acne causes embarrassment to those affected. Having to undress in a locker room or going to the beach adds another degree of stress which can complicate the problem. Many avoid activities that involve revealing their skin to others. Take heart; it can be treated, so begin trying the ideas above and read the other articles on this site.

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