Hypertrophic Scars - Understanding How To Treat A Hypertrophic Scar

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Scar Basics
Scars consist of newly produced collagen fibers that seal any opening in the dermis, which is why scars are also referred to as adhesions. The degree of scarring depends on a number of factors: degree and location of injury, age, nutrition, genetics, and if any infection as occurred.
Scar tissue is different from healthy, uninjured skin, not only in its appearance. Scars do not protect against UV radiation as well as healthy skin; additionally, hair follicles and sweat glands don't reform in injured skin. They can also be lacking in elasticity, causing movement restriction. Itchiness of scars is also quite common.
Types of Scars
As part of the body's natural response, when injured, it produces collagen to close any openings, however, getting the exact amount necessary is often difficult. Protruding scars are caused by an excess of collagen. This type of scar includes hypertrophic scars and keloid scars. Erythematous in nature (pink, purple or red), hypertrophic scars tend to be stiffer than the healthy skin that surrounds them. They are most commonly found in areas of high skin tension. Keloid scars differ from hypertrophic scars in that they continue to grow outside of the site of injury, often forming tumor-like growths. This type of scar is recognizable by those who have not taken good care of piercings. Both scars are more common in those with dark skin rather than those with fair skin.
Atrophic scars, depressions in the skin, form when fat or muscle supporting the skin is lost. These can form as result of surgery, chicken pox and acne breakouts. Typically, this type of scar forms when the skin is stretched rapidly. Stretch marks are a type of scar, often caused by growth spurts or pregnancy. Additionally, scars can form when the skin is under stress from an injury. As joints are often sites of injury, the rapid stretch and resulting scar is located typically near them.
Hypertrophic Scar Treatment
There is a wide variety of scar removal treatments available that are designed to improve the appearance of scars, both natural and medically-based. Home remedies include the topical application of vitamin E, onion extract, cocoa butter and honey. If the scar is dark in nature, lemon juice can be tried to lighten the skin.
Other more intrusive options used for treating hypertrophic scars include prescription strength topical creams, dermabrasion, laser treatment, surgery and different types of injections. Z-plasty and skin grafting are other ways for hypertrophic scar removal, literally. In a z-plasty procedure, a surgeon would cut out the scar and match it to another area of skin on the body. Skin grafting covers the scar with a healthy patch of skin from another part of the body.
If you need to treat hypertrophic acne scars, a dermatologist might recommend dermabrasion or a microdermabrasion cream to smooth the surface of the scar. If you are still looking for other answers on how to get rid of acne scars, you can consider a small facial surgery to cut the scar out and re-seal with very small stitches that helps the skin heal and leave less of a scar. Unfortunately, there is no complete way for healing hypertrophic acne scars.

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