Can Grape Seed Extract Eliminate Acne?

There is no dearth for acne treatment products, be it herbal, home-made, over-the-counter or prescription-based. The trick lies in finding the right weapon from your arsenal of acne products to knock out acne altogether. As the intensity of acne varies from person to person, you must endeavor to find a remedy that your skin will respond to. That said, the best approach is to seek natural acne treatment methods as they are safe and straightforward. In other words, you're sure to identify the right solution if you give your best try. Drawing on this, let's see how grape seed extract can help your skin.
Did you know that all parts of the grape - skin, leaves, vines, juice and seed - have been used for their medicinal properties over the past several millennia? Its health benefits relate to internal functions as well as externally visible results, i.e. youthful skin. These health benefits are attributed to its rich enzyme content. Active nutrients called Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are responsible for its antioxidant and antihistamine characteristics. Further, grape seed contains falvonoids, essential fatty acids and vitamins that contribute to skin health. Your skin health obviously depends on the internal functions in your body. Grape seed's essential fatty acid namely, linolenic acid preserves collagen, the structural skin protein that prevents sagging, meaning that it slows aging. So, you can bid adieu to aging signs like wrinkles and dark spots! Its flavonoids prevent skin problems by impeding allergic reactions. Its antioxidant nutrients neutralize harmful free radicals and promote cell health.
So, it's clear that grape seed extract is packed with nutrients that are essential for natural clear skin. But, how exactly does it fight acne? Its antihistamine prevents inflammation, a condition that best favors acne breakouts. Besides, the collagen-protecting linolenic acid is also an emollient, i.e. it fills the gap between skin cells, thereby providing a firmer complexion that deters acne. Grape seed oil is not viscous and hence, it easily penetrates the skin. And, it is not aromatic, meaning that it does not irritate your skin. It works well in removing makeup by dissolving the ingredients that would otherwise clog your pores. Experts believe that its alkalizing effect helps kill bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
What's more, you can use the oil for cooking. Manufacturers also sell flavored grape seed oils that can add both health and taste to your food. In addition to fighting inflammation and preventing cell damage, it improves circulation and reduces bad cholesterol. Today, grape seed extract is an active ingredient in many skin care products, such as lotions, massage oils, cleansers and soaps. You can easily find both commercial brands and organic products containing grape seed extract. Grape seed supplements are sold in syrup form or as capsules. You may consult with your doctor or dermatologist to make sure that you take the right dose.
In a nutshell, grape seed extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-aging properties. Therefore, you may safely assume that it is one of the best herbal remedies for acne that contributes to a youthful appearance both externally and internally.
Check out Clearade acne treatment that works on the root causes of acne. To learn about acne vitamins, you may visit

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