Cashew Nut Oil and Its Benefits

The cashew is a tree which belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. In botanical terminology it is often referred to as Anacardium occidentale. The name Anacardium implies the shape of the fruit which looks similar to a heart held in an inverted position. The term Cashew came into existence from the Portuguese word 'Caju'. In Brazil, it is widely cultivated for obtaining apples and seeds. The cashew nuts are collected when the cashew apples fall on ground. After collecting the nuts, they are dried and later processed. Cashew nut oil is a product of this Cashew tree. It is extracted from the seeds of the plants by using the process of cold pressing. The origin of this oil lies in Northeast Brazil and now it is mainly found in the tropical climates.

Physical properties and chemical composition

The color of Cashew nut oil can lie anywhere between dark yellow to pale yellow and its viscosity can be described as watery in nature. The fragrance of this oil is mild yet it is attractive. The prime chemical constituents of this oil are unsaturated fatty acids and sterol. 77% composition of this oil is constituted by unsaturated fatty acid which contains oleic acids and linoleic acids. The quantity of sterol in its composition is of about 0.9 to 1.8%. The remaining composition of about 21 percent constitutes of proteins and vitamins D, K, E, A and PP. the other things in which Cashew nut oil is enriched are iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

Traditional uses of Cashew nut oil

There are numerous medical uses of this oil as well as there are numerous uses of this oil in Indian traditional pharmacopoeia. In Ayurveda, the use of this is mentioned for the treatment of ailment which is related to kidney. Ayurveda also applies the usage of this oil in treating the problems of eczema, arthritis, rheumatism and also for decreasing the bas cholesterol level. It has also been found that this oil can be used for treating many ailments related to eye. The patients of lesions also use this oil in order to fasten the process of healing.

Uses of Cashew nut oil in cosmetics

As it is known that this oil contains vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids in abundance, it is used by many major brands for making various cosmetics products. Unsaturated acids which are present in this oil help in restoring the moisture and smoothness of the skin which is damaged and dull. Because of the presence of Vitamin E in this oil, it shows effective anti ageing properties which makes it a good ingredient in many anti ageing based products.

This oil is used for healing cracked heels and it is the best oil for treating the problem of fungal infections.

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