Low GI Diet For Cellulite Loss

If you are interested in cutting on cellulite, it is important that you adopt a low GI diet.

The reasons you should include:

1. High GI foods cause the rise of blood sugar levels. This blood sugar has to be converted to energy. Should it not be converted to energy, the surplus blood sugar is turned to fat and stored. These stored fats offer a perfect place for the accumulation of cellulite.

2. Alternative sweeteners like agave syrup, honey and fructose contain low GI. However, this does not make them ideal for the loss of cellulite. This is because; these sweeteners do not convert to glucose and, therefore, cannot be use as energy. When consumed, they too are turned to fat and stored under fat tissues.

3. Internal inflammation can be a result of taking in high GI foods. This can greatly affect the blood vessels and body tissues. This inflammation offers a great place for the accumulation of cellulite.

4. High GI foods spike the blood sugar levels, and this leads to faster insulin production. The purpose of the insulin is to lower the blood sugar levels, and it also aids in the transportation of sugar to body cells and the liver. This leads to reduced body sugar and thus the need to consume sugar rich foods. However, this type of sugar is not taken to the liver but is stored in the form of fat, and this encourages the growth of cellulite.

5. The process of protein aging and deterioration otherwise known as glycation often leads to the formation of cellulite and even aging. Protein is the main constituent of the lymph vessels, the connective tissues and the blood vessels. This process of glycation is as a result of taking in too much sugar or starch. The result of this process is the deterioration of the blood and lymph circulation and even poor connective tissues. This is also another good reason for the formation of cellulite.

The reasons listed above are the reasons why low GI diets are advisable. This diet not only reduces cellulite but also enhances the entire body health.

Information on the Glycemic Index (GI) and Blood Sugar

The glycemic index, GI is a measurement of the rise of a person's blood sugar levels every time they have a meal or consume a type of food. This is measured on a scale of 0 to 100. On the other hand, blood sugar basically refers to the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood stream.

The blood sugar level is never constant throughout the day. This is because it is affected by meals and snacks taken. It is found to be lowest before you take breakfast and highest a few hours after breakfast.

According to the diabetes association of America, the most ideal sugar levels before a meal is from 70 to 130 mg/dl and 180 mg/dl after a meal.

The way the human body works is in such a way that it can regulate the level of the blood sugar to ensure it remains in the correct levels. When the blood sugar is altered, the body discharges insulin which helps the sugar from the blood stream to the body tissue and the liver. The sugar in the body cells is converted to energy while the sugar in the liver is converted to a storage form for future use. The remaining excess sugar is stored as fat, and this leads to cellulite formation.

Before meals, the sugar levels in the blood are normally low. This triggers the release of glucogen; a hormone that turns the sugar stored in the liver to glucose. Glucogen is then transported to the bloodstream.

How Important Is Blood Sugar Levels to Humans?

Not so long ago, blood sugar was primarily the concern of diabetic people. These days, people without diabetes are also concerned with blood sugar levels. This is because most ailments these days are caused by improper sugar levels in the body. Too much or too little blood sugar can cause headaches, excessive thirst, difficulty in concentration, blurred vision, fatigue, weight loss and even kidney, eye and blood vessels damage among other ailments.

This is exactly why a low GI diet is encouraged by health experts around the world. For cellulite loss it is cruical to follow a low GI diet!

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