How to Get Rid of Back Acne

My mission is the help end the agony that is Acne and in this short article we will be looking at back acne on the back. This is a common problem for adults and teenagers alike. This type of acne is also know as "bacne"
Acne on the back can often be more severe then acne any where else and the reason for this is that the back is a tough skin area with thousands of sebaceous glands that do produce a lot of oil. As we know acne can occur any where on the body;most common on the face, but having back acne can be just as annoying form those who suffer from it.
But is a fact of acne that , chest and back acne is often more arduous to get rid of than the acne that is on your face. Plus, the conventional methods of treatments and cleansers that you can get for your face will often not work as well, if at all, on the acne on your back. And since most of the time your chest and back is often covered by clothing, you can find that you will have more irritation from the rubbing of your clothes against it.
What you will, as indeed with any other acne is, a daily routine to deal with it. And this will be more difficult because it is on your back and you will need help of a family member or some such.
The daily routine for back care is the same a most acne routines and that: is a cleanser followed with a moisturiser.
1 Wash the area gently with a mild cleanser and let dry.
2 Apply the lotion and wait for it to dry.
Now here is the rub: I myself use and swear by anything that is Aloe Vera (soaps and creams) but we are all different and react in different was to different products. The one thing that I will say here is that Aloe ~Vera is a natural product and the best aloe vera product from Forever Living Products carries a 60 day money back guarantee. Try using creams and gels that will stay on the skin rather than wash off.
Whilst we are on the subject of Aloe Vera it is as well to say that you can fight acne from the inside by taking aloe Vera as a drink or as a aloe vera tablet both of these methods will give you pure aloe vera to help get rid of your acne.
The next thing that is on the list is to watch what type of clothing that you put on your back. Rough materials, like coarse cotton, or tight-fitting shirts can rub against your skin, irritating the acne and increasing oil production, causing more breakouts. And rule number one when washing your clothes if : no bleach. You may also be aware of the type of detergent and fabric softeners that you use. Sometimes having a sensitivity to the fragrance can irritate back acne more, so you may need to change your detergent to a different brand or even one of the dye and fragrance free varieties. Forever Living Products do a great detergent (MPD) but hey, so do Dove.
If you have bad back acne or see an increase in the acne that you have; stop using "backpacks" or such. A shoulder bag is a much better bet.
A dermatologist can help you with the diagnosis and treatment of back acne. First your doctor will tell you how bad of a case you have, such as mild, moderate, or severe. You may also need to have your skin type graded to see if you have oily, dry, or combination skin. Your dermatologist will also want to hear a history of the acne , such as how long you have had it and how often your outbreaks are, and any past history of skin conditions that you have suffered from. All of this allows him or her to determine the best course of treatment and medication to cure your individual case of acne.
Richard Haigh writes articles about Aloe Vera to help you to use Aloe Vera for your on going health. Richard also collects and publishes "tips" on the use of the many Aloe Vera products. Find out more from his popular free site, available at: => read more aloe vera articles here []

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