Mindset for Feeling Young

"If a man (I will add or woman) seizes to grow, no matter what his years, that minute he begins to be old". William James who authored this quote understood that how we age depends very much on our mindset. No doubt you too have known people who seemed old even though chronologically they were not while others remained vibrant into old age.

In order to age vibrantly we have to cultivate a mindset for growth. Our mindset has to do with how we think about ourselves and how we see the world around us. The right mindset opens us up to seeing new possibilities and joys in life.

Fortunately we can strengthen our mindset throughout our life. Here are 7 ways to develop a mindset for feeling young.

1. Let go of limiting beliefs

If you say to yourself that you are too old or should have done something earlier you are limiting yourself to the past.

2. Live in the present

Change can only happen in the present. Every day is a new day. What you say to yourself today is what matters.

3. Take charge of your life

Our self-confidence comes from valuing who we are and believing that we have the ability to grow and make changes throughout our life.

4. Look at your life with gratitude.

Begin the morning with gratitude. Remember that you create your life with your thoughts. By being grateful you will experience an attitude shift to generosity.

5. Be engaged in your life

It takes action in order to be engaged in life. How do we get energy? There are several ways. One is by doing some regular exercise, another is by eating foods that give us energy and the third is by getting sufficient rest. We also get energy by being engaged in activities that give us pleasure and by having positive people in our life.

6. Develop a positive attitude

Since we create our life with our thoughts we can choose if we look at the world negatively or positively. By choosing positive thoughts we are much more likely to enjoy living in the present.

7. Take charge and live vibrantly

By taking action to be engaged in life you will have a mindset for growth and stay young at heart.

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