Gibby’s Garden Diary is Back for 2013!

April 1, 2013

The first of April seemed like a good time for Gibby’s Garden to make our first garden diary entry of the year. Despite the foot of snow we had on the first day of spring, it seems like we’ll be on schedule for starting to plant our gardens at the end of the month here in the north.

I’ve already ordered and received most of my seeds and can’t wait to get them in the ground, though I’ll have to be patient as the last of the snow melts and the ground thaws. While I wait until my gardens are workable and ready for some fresh compost and tilling, I’ll be busy making rough sketches of where each of my vegetables are to go.

Until the ground dries up and I can get outside and begin cleaning and working my gardens, there isn’t much else to do but plan, plan, plan and trust me, I have plenty of that to do with the seeds I ordered for this year.

What’s on the List of Vegetables to Plant in 2013?

  • Peas - Northfield
  • Spinach - Tyee
  • Corn - Northern Xtra Sweet Hybrid
  • Beans - Improved Golden Wax/Blue Lake Bush 
  • Beets - Ruby Queen
  • Carrots - Envy Hybrid
  • Chard - Bright Lights
  • Cucumbers - Miss Pickler Hybrid
  • Eggplant - Twilight Hybrid
  • Kohlrabi - Early White Vienna
  • Radish - Mixture
  • Turnips - Purple Top White Globe
  • Squash - Winter Table Ace Hybrid

These are the seeds I plan on planting to give myself a wide array of vegetables to work with and enjoy in 2013. Stay tuned to find out which seedlings and their varieties I’ll be picking up at my favorite nursery in another month or so. Until then, happy garden planting and please don’t forget to stop by occasionally for more garden diary updates.

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