Make your own mosquito repellant - from catnip

It's about time for the mosquitoes again, here in Tennessee.

Anybody who knows me knows that I do not get along with mosquitoes (or "skeeters," as we call them).  I
usually have a nasty topical reaction to mosquito bites, with big ol' whelps on my skin and a crazy burning itch.  Sometimes, it's even felt debilitating, not being able to go outside because of the mosquitoes, unless I'm covered head to toe with hideous bug spray.

However, some studies have shown that catnip is more effective than substances such as DEET at repelling mosquitoes.  Joy, rapture, and hope!  This was worth a try!

I have been growing catnip for a while.  It's in the mint family and is very easy to grow.  It doesn't require a lot of care, save for protecting your young plants from the neighborhood kitties.  It makes a fantastic tea for when you have a headache, can't sleep, or have an upset stomach.  Did you forget to take your Beano?  No worries - just brew a cup of catnip tea for after dinner to calm the stomach cramps and combat flatulence.  It's also a soother for menstrual cramps - try combining it with raspberry leaf for a great "female" tea.

But... back to the mosquito repellant.

You can make an excellent spray mosquito repellant out of your own home-grown catnip.  

DIY Catnip Mosquito Repellant Spray
2 cups fresh catnip leaves
3 cups rice vinegar (or other mild vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar)

Lightly crush ("muddle") catnip leaves and place in a large mason jar.  Pour vinegar over the catnip leaves.  Place lid on the jar and keep it in a cool, dark place for about two weeks, shaking the jar every day.

Strain off the liquid into a clean spray bottle and toss the herb material into the compost heap.  

To use:  spray on your skin before going outside.  You can also spray this around your outdoor area (picnic table, patio, etc.) for extra protection.

If you don't fancy the idea of using vinegar, here's a recipe for a rub-on mosquito repelling skin oil:

DIY Mosquito Repelling Oil
1 cup dried catnip leaves
1/2 cup dried rosemary
2 cups grapeseed oil, or other light skin-friendly oil (sunflower oil, or sweet almond would be good)

Crush herbs and place in a large mason jar.  Cover with oil.  Place lid on the jar and keep it in a cool, dark place for about two weeks, shaking the jar every day.

Strain off the oil into a clean bottle and toss the herb material into the compost heap.

To use:  rub the oil on your skin before going outside.  Bonus - this oil will help soften your skin!

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