About Obesity

Did you know?
Obesity is now beginning to be considered as one of the serious public health problem in developing countries, not just developed countries like the United States to the level of people with obesity are high. This is mainly because obese people tend to suffer from heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and certain types of cancer.

Sometimes we often were made confused with the understanding obesity and overweight, whereas both of those terms had understanding a different. Obesity (fatness) is a state where occurs buildup of body fat who excess, so that BB someone far in above normal and can be endanger the health. While overweight (being overweight) is a state where BB someone exceeds the BB normal. Obesity or overweight has a different meaning for each person. In the majority of women and men, obesity means excess body weight (BW) far exceeds the desired weight.

The symptoms experienced by people with obesity is a symptom of the accumulation of excess fat below the diaphragm and in the chest wall can suppress the lungs, causing breathing problems and shortness of breath. Respiratory disorders may occur during sleep and causes cessation of breathing for a while so the day people often feel sleepy.

Here are the causes of Obesity:


Obesity can run in families you know .. but its mechanism is until now still remains not yet unclear, although members such families are genetically tend can experience excess BB. This is possible because many genes are involved in the process of expenditure and energy intake.

Factors Physiology

Obesity increased in accordance with accretion age and then decreased before finally stopping at an advanced age.

Factors Socioeconomic

In the everyday life there is a contradiction a relationship between economic status social and prevalence of overweight. At the social level is low, where food is hard to come by, overweight appears as a visual indicator of the level of well-being and status. However on the contrary, on a social level a higher, emaciation is considered as an desire which must achieved whereas overweight viewed as an indicator against status a lower.

Determinants Behaviour / Psychology

For individuals who are inactive, including those who rarely exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking - tends to increase BB. Although alcohol may have the effect of 'cardioprotective', however consumption of which excessive can give rise to excess intake of energy thus resulting in diseases liver and other gastrointestinal, such as disease gallblader.
Smokers tend to have BB who is more lighter compared ex-smokers, and they who do not never smoked be in between the two groups of such. Factors-psychological factors also influential against eating habits. Eating, for some people can also give a response of negative emotions, such as boredom and sadness.

So, how to treat it?

Actually, the main principle treatment of obesity is restriction intake of calorie and an increase in physical activity. Both are constitute most important component in settings body weight.
So, let's indulge up a sweat.Stay away from fatness but also skinny who excessive because strict diet.

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