On Various Kinds of Lung Disease

The lungs are one of the most important respiratory organs. Both because of its function as well as one of the organs that are susceptible to various diseases. In the excretion system, lung function to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O).

In the lungs gas exchange process occurs between oxygen and carbon dioxide. After liberating oxygen, red blood cells capture carbon dioxide as a result of the body's metabolism to be carried to the lungs. In the lungs of carbon dioxide and water vapor is released and expelled from the lungs through the nose.And here are a variety of lung diseases. Accompanied with the causes, symptoms and ways of treatment.1. Pneumonia (pneumonia)Inflammation of microscopic air bubbles that lung alveoli and the smallest airways called bronchioles or pneumonia.Pneumonia can occur in different regions of the lung. Lobar pneumonia strikes a lobe or large chunks of lung. Lobar pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that affects a large area and is constantly on the lobe of the lung.In addition, there is also called bronchopneumonia which attacks tissues in the beam of one or both lungs.Cause:The main cause of bacterial infections, often of the type Streptococcus pneumoniae. Pneumonia can be a problem triggered secondary to a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, such as the flu.Other causes include various types of bacteria and also viruses such as influenza and chicken pox more rare microorganisms such as protozoa and fungi.Symptoms:The main symptom is a cough with bloody sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, and high fever with decreased consciousness.Treatment:If the cause is bacterial, antibiotic treatment done.

2. Legionnaries diseaseLegionnaries is a lung disease caused by the bacteria legionella pneumophilia. Form of infection similar to pneumonia.Cause:Legionella bacteria that causes this disease is a rod-shaped bacterium found in most water sources. They multiply very quickly. They are in the plumbing system or anywhere else that water can be stagnant.Legionnaire's disease was first described in 1976 after an outbreak of severe pneumonia-like disease in veterans at a convention of the American legion. The disease is more common in men.Symptoms:Symptoms are similar to pneumonia or other lung inflammation, especially respiratory disorders, but other than that the patient also had diarrhea, abdominal pain, or jaundice.This disease often occurs in middle-aged people or older and can be serious or even cause death in people on who have weakened immune systems.3. Pleural effusionExcess fluid in the double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs is called pleural effusion. Two layers of membrane that lines the lungs or pleural fluid lubricated by a few that allow the lungs to expand and contract with the smooth chest wall. Infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, heart failure, and some can cause cancer of the pleural fluid collection. Number could reach three liters which suppresses lung.Symptoms:Pleural effusion causes shortness of breath and chest pain.Handling:Initial treatment with a hollow needle disposal of liquid or insert pipe (chest fluid channels) through the chest wall.4. Tuberculosis (TB)Tuberculosis or abbreviated as TB is a disease caused by an infection that attacks the lung tissue.Cause:Cause of a person suffering from tuberculosis is the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most people have TB microbes in the body, but these microbes cause disease only in a few people, usually if immunity or immune people is decreasing.Symptoms:Symptoms include fever and a persistent cough, decreased appetite, and weakened body.Treatment:Had taken antibiotics can cure TB, but the number of patients with this disease has been increasing since the 1980s. This is partly due to the emergence of new types of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and partly also due to the spread of HIV / AIDS that lowers a person's immunity.5. PneumothoraxPneumothorax is a disease which is found in the lining of the lung or pleura called.Cause:Pneumothorax occurs when one or both pleural membrane pierced and air into the pleural cavity causing the lung to deflate. Pleural membranes are separated by a very thin layer of pleural fluid that lubricates their movement. Balance between the pressure of the chest wall, pleura lining, and lung tissue allows the lungs "sucked" into the chest wall.At pneumothorax, air into the pleural cavity. Pressure balance is changing and the lungs deflate. If more air into the cavity but can not get out, the pressure around the lungs the higher-threatening.Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur due to rupture of abnormally enlarged alveoli in the lung surface or due to the condition of the lungs, such as asthma. Another cause is a broken rib and chest injuries.Symptoms:Penumotoraks the trigger chest tightness, pain, and shortness of breath.6. Shortness of breath (asthma)Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lungs that causes shortness of breath and wheezing attacks are repeated. Asthma is a lung disorder most numerous and varied, attacking one of four children in some areas.Airway wall muscle contraction such as seizures, causing the airways to narrow, resulting in shortness of breath attacks. Narrowing exacerbated by excessive mucus secretion.Most cases occur in childhood and is usually associated with an underlying allergic diseases such as eczema and both have hereditary factors.Cause:Asthma caused by narrowing of the airways in the lungs. In most children, triggers the attack is an allergic reaction to foreign substances, or allergens, small particles that can be inhaled, such as pollen, mold from the house dust mite feces, and the particles of the hair or animal fur. Other cases are caused by food allergies or beverages, certain medications, stress, respiratory infections, and strenuous activity in cold weather.Symptoms:Asthma attacks in each person is different condition. Some people experience mild attacks are rare, there are likely to suffer from severe shortness of breath, life-threatening and some other people had suffered varying and unpredictable every day.7. Disease Chronic Obstructive LungChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has the characteristics of airway limitation that is not fully reversible. COPD is a long-term disorder in which damage lung tissue progressively with increasingly severe shortness of breath. COPD mainly includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, two abnormalities usually occur together.Symptoms:The main symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, and sputum production (ripple). Sputum is the material removed from the lung, bronchus, and trachea through the mouth. Usually also called expectoratorian.Cause:Air in and out of the lungs and inhibited the ability of the lungs to take in oxygen to meet the normal needs of the body is reduced. So far the biggest contributing factor to the risk of COPD is smoking.8. Chronic BronchitisCause:Chronic inflammation of the airways of the lungs usually caused by smoking. Rarely, recurrent acute infections cause chronic bronchitis.On chronic bronchitis, bronchial, the main airways to the lungs, inflamed, swollen, and narrowed due to irritation by tobacco smoke, recurrent infections, or long exposure to pollutants. Inflamed airways begin to produce excess phlegm, coughing disturbing initially causing damp and cold at the time, and continues throughout the year.Symptoms:Symptoms such as hoarseness, wheezing, and shortness of breath may also arise. Eventually the patient feel short of breath even while resting. If there is a secondary respiratory infection, sputum changes color from clear or white to yellow or green.9. EmphysemaEmphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that involves damage to the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. As a result, the body does not get the oxygen it needs. Emphysema makes breathing difficult patients. Patients experiencing chronic cough and shortness of breath. The most common cause is smoking.Cause:At emphysema, air bubbles (alveoli) become stretched excessively. They also decays and fused so that the oxygen absorber surface area is reduced. Not only the loss of alveolar air exchange area, but the air is also trapped in the alveolar wall due to decreased elasticity. As a result, over-inflate the lungs, the volume of air in and out of the lungs is reduced, and fewer oxygen that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.Most people with emphysema are heavy smokers for a long time, although a rare inherited disorder called alfa1-antitrypsin deficiency can also cause emphysema. Although the damage caused by emphysema is usually irreversible (can not be returned), quitting smoking can sometimes slow the progression of the disease and allow cilia to recover. Cilia themselves are tiny hairs on the surface layer of the lung airways.Symptoms:Shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, reduced capacity for physical activity, chronic cough, loss of appetite and weight, as well as fatigue.Treatment:If you are a smoker, quitting smoking is the best way of prevention. For those who have been hit, quitting smoking can reduce the spread of disease.10. Occupational Lung DiseaseAsbestosis, silicosis, and pneumoconiosis caused by inhaling particles that irritate and make the inflammation of lung tissue, leading to the onset of fibrosis. People at high risk of suffering from lung disease due to work, the workers are exposed to toxic particles over the years, such as mine workers.In the lung disease caused by work, there is a slowly thickening (fibrosis) of lung tissue, which ultimately lead to irreversible scarring.Symptoms:Symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing may occur slowly, but then deteriorated many years after exposure to disappear. In developed countries, the disease is exceedingly rare because most workers use protective clothing and masks in a dangerous environment, but in developing countries are often not adhered to this rule.11. SilicosisSilicosis is a lung disease caused by the working environment. This disease is a pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of crystalline silica particles are free.Silica is a kind of material that is widely used in building and construction companies. Solid silica in the form of harmless, but the form of dust grains is not good for the lungs. Which includes free silica is quartz, tridymite, and cristobalite.12. Lung cancerThe presence of a malignant tumor in the lung is called lung cancer. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world and more than one million new cases are found each year.Cause:The most frequent cause of lung cancer were found nearly 90 percent of all cases are smoking. Many irritants are inhaled while breathing triggers the growth of abnormal cells in the lungs, but cigarettes contain thousands of carcinogens (cancer-causing).In very rare cases, lung cancer caused by asbestos, toxic chemicals, or radioactive gas radon. As with other cancers, lung cancer can also be triggered by the presence of genetic factors and the application of an unhealthy lifestyle, which generally like smoking and too much drinking of alcohol, and lack of exercise.Symptoms:Early symptoms of lung cancer are not specific. However, generally persistent cough that usually the earliest symptom. Because most people with lung cancer are smokers, the so-called "smoker's cough". Other symptoms such as coughing up blood, wheezing, weight loss, constant hoarseness, and chest pain.Treatment:If laboratory tests to make sure the cancer of the lung, lobectomy or removal of a lobe of the lung, or pnenomektomi which is the removal of an entire lung can be done. It is usually recommended only if the tumor is small and has not spread. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be given to relieve the symptoms, not intended to cure the disease.The spread of lung cancer:Lung cancer can spread (metastasize) to other body parts. Metastasis to the bone can cause pain and fractures. In the brain causes headaches and loss of consciousness, as well as in the liver leads to weight loss and jaundice in which the skin becomes yellowish.

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