Gibby’s Garden Diary Entry #5 - Excessive Rain & Heat

June 3, 2013

The weather lately really hasn’t been cooperating with my vegetable gardening - that is for sure.  Over Memorial Day weekend we had a North Easter which dumped lots of rain, completely saturating the ground and making it impossible to plant anything without risking a washout or root rot.

This weekend, the temps hovered around 100 degrees making it unfit for this gardener to head out and plant during the day - though I did manage to get my tomato plants in the ground Friday night as well as 2 rows of cucumbers - planted in hills of course.

What I planned on doing was planting all my cucumbers, which I’m planting a lot of to make pickles this year, and my lettuce. That didn’t happen. Today the weather is cooler and we’ve had some more rain which is expected throughout the day.

The rest of my gardens were rototilled this morning, so I’ll be busy planting away this week as long as the weather cooperates, as I’ve learned heat is not my friend. I plan on laying down my mulch hay first and then planting. I did this where my tomatoes and cucumbers were planted and it saves time. I simply raked the mulch back where I wanted to plant and that was it.

On a side note, I was glad I put my tomatoes in this weekend because they were beginning to outgrow their pots. Use your judgment when it comes to hardening off seedlings. My tomatoes didn’t quite get 2 weeks of hardening off but they’re doing just fine in the garden.

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