Remove Acne Scars - 6 Home Remedies

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Even though acne is not a life threatening condition, in some cases it can cause pain and inflammation. It is more often considered as a cosmetic problem, as it affects the looks of the person. Most people want to know how to treat acne naturally since over the counter and prescription products can cause many different side effects. Natural treatments can get rid of your acne condition for good and the good news is that they are much safer for you.

1. One of the most popular acne herbal cure is aloe vera, which is available in the form of gels, soaps, etc. You can also go for freshly extracted aloe vera juice. Apart from controlling acne, it is also beneficial for healing the skin damaged by acne.

2. Drinking Water: One of the best acne treatment is to keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water at least 64 ounces of water daily. Water improves blood circulation, removes acne scars and prevents acne breakouts, hence it helps in healing process.

3. You can use zinc to eliminate acne by eating food items rich in zinc like chicken, beef, nuts, and beans. Food items such as these will help to enhance your zinc level and avoid zinc deficiency. If you can't get enough zinc through eating foods you can try using zinc supplements.

4. Washing your face every day before you go to bed is another of natural acne cures especially if you are the type who wears makeup. Some makeup contains harmful chemicals which can cause acne. Steaming your face is also beneficial; it involves putting hot water in a basin then wrapping a towel around your face so that the hot steam doesn't escape. The hot steam helps by opening the pores of the skin. You can also try not to pierce the pimple because if you do so they may be infected with bacteria which may trigger acne to spread on your entire face.

5. Yogurt can work wonders as far acne control is concerned. You can make a paste of yogurt and oatmeal and apply it over the affected area. Once it is dry, use lukewarm water to rinse it off.

6. Healthy Diet: Eating healthy and balanced diet comprising of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fibrous foods, helps in healing the acne scars fast. Proper nutrition is key to a healthy and glowing skin, hence, the more nutritious foods you add to your diet, faster the scars will heal.

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