The Causes and Treatments for Your Acne

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No one in the world is immune to acne. It affects people from all walks of life and from any age category. Acne does not show preferential treatment to males, females, rich people, or poor ones. Because everyone's skin is different, they all have different contributing factors that cause their particular kind of acne.

The most important part of your acne treatment is understanding what skin type you are and the most effective acne treatment to use on it. If you have oily skin, you would not want to use cleansing products, moisturizing products, or cosmetics that contain oil.

You should buy products that are oil-free. On the other hand, if you have dry skin, you would not want to use the oil-free products because your skin could use a little extra oil.

Both oily and dry skin need to be moisturized daily. Just because skin has extra oil does not mean it doesn't need moisturizer. Plenty of good oil-free moisturizers are available to use on oily skin. Dry skin has its own specific problems and should be moisturized with a product made especially for dry skin.

Topical skin treatments are designed to keep pores from clogging while getting rid of excessive dirt and oil on the skin's surface, as well as acne-causing bacteria. Certain oral medications exist that will keep your body from producing so much oil. Prescription creams and ointments will help keep your breakouts dry and will even promote fast cell replacement in those areas of your acne-infected skin that need it. Other medical and natural remedies exist that help in the treatment of acne.

Before you understand how to develop the proper acne care skin treatment for your skin, you should try to understand what is causing the acne in the first place.

Causes of Acne Acne has many causes and all of them aren't fully understood or substantiated yet. Here are some of the most common causes:

Hormones play a major role in acne development. The early teen years bring many hormonal changes to the body and those changes often cause constant breakouts of pimples, pustules, and even cysts. The adult years bring changes, too, especially for women. Premenstrual and pre-menopausal difficulties cause breakouts in alarming numbers of women. Because of the excess oil produced during hormone-caused acne, products that help to eliminate and reduce oil will be most helpful for this type of acne.

Stress is certainly a common factor to the development of acne. When the body becomes tense, it releases chemicals and hormones that eventually turn into toxins and waste that the body must expel. Some of these waste products will be excreted through the skin and will contribute to acne.

Some people still believe that chocolate, sugar, and other foods can cause acne to form. Most experts deny that food has anything to do with acne's development but the subject is still widely debated and researched so we can't be absolutely certain that particular foods don't contribute to acne.

Cosmetics and skin-care products can also contribute to acne if the products being used are not for the correct skin type. Using oily products on oily skin can certainly contribute to outbreaks so it is important to choose your personal care products very carefully when deciding on the best acne treatment for your skin.

Other factors, such as lifestyle and environment, can also affect your skin. The best things you can do for your skin is learn how to properly care for it, keep it hydrated, keep it moisturized, and try to eliminate the factors that are causing your skin to have acne.

Receive help from troubling skin conditions with the best acne products and treatments.

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