Keloid Scars - Cosmetic And Natural Treatments

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Keloids fall into the category of types of scars that are not bound by the area of the original injury. They are large, rubbery lumps that extend from the normal level of skin and progressively grow larger.
They can become quite grotesque and large. Unfortunately, they can also form even after much time has passed since the time of the inflammation. Even minor irritants can cause keloids: they can be burn scars, surgery scars, piercing scars, or even acne scars. Keloids can cause itching, burning, and tenderness. They are typically purplish in color, but can range from pink to brown, with a smooth head.
Unlike keloid scars, hypertrophic scars (also raised scars) don't grow in size. Hypertrophic scars also don't range in color and are generally red in color.
What Causes Keloids?
We still do not know why keloids form. They are investigating changes in cellular signaling with regard to growth and proliferation.
Who are most Susceptible to Keloid Scar Formation?
Keloids are common for both genders. As women typically have more earlobe and body piercings, in the past more women developed keloids than men. Children and the elderly are less likely to develop keloids. It also seems that keloids are more common in those with darker skin.
What are the Available Keloid Scar Treatments?
*Cortisone injections: Cortisone is injected (over a course of several treatments) to flatten keloid scars. This treatment is not painful and is safe as very little of the steroid from the injection is absorbed into the blood stream. A side effect is that these steroid injections can cause the scar to appear redder due to its stimulation of blood vessels.
*Surgery: Unfortunately, cutting the keloid can trigger the formation of a similar if not larger keloid. In attempts to prevent keloid re-growth, surgeons might follow up the surgery with occlusive dressings or injections.
*Laser: Pulsed-dye lasers have been used to flatten keloids and make them appear less red. Although safe and not too painful, this requires several treatments, is quite expensive and not usually covered by insurance plans.
*Silicone: As a gel or as a sheet, it is applied to the scar for several hours. The duration of treatment can last into months. *Compression dressings: Other occlusive dressings exist besides silicone like polyurethane to stop growth of keloids. These dressings must be worn the majority of the day for several weeks, if not longer.
Home Remedies for Keloid Scarring
As your face is highly visible, you might want a non-invasive acne scar removal treatment. Explore different keloid scar removal home remedies.
*Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide: Form a paste using one part 3% hydrogen peroxide. Put directly on the affected area.
*Apple cider vinegar: After applying to scarred tissue, allow apple cider vinegar to dry. Put on again every half hour for 3-4 hours.
*Asprin: Crush aspirin and mix with water until it is of a paste consistency. Put on scar with a Q-tip and let dry. Rinse away.
*Potassium iodide: Use 3-4 times a day directly on scar.
*Mucin, a substanced created by the garden snail that revamps skin turnover: Apply product containing mucin to keloid once or twice a day.

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