Six Effective Treatments for Rosacea (Facial Redness and Acne Rosacea)

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Diet, avoiding triggers and skin care should be the pre-cursors to treatment. In themselves, they are not treatments but often reduce rosacea symptoms and flare-ups.
It is essential to have early treatment, and so at the first signs of rosacea, it is recommended that the person has a free first consultation at a specialist rosacea clinic.
Each of us is an individual, even down to our biochemistry, and it is important that each individual has a diet that is tailored for their requirements..
It is important to identify and avoid one's personal 'trigger' foods, replacing them with other foods that provide the same nutrients.
Wherever possible eat foods that are close to nature', i.e. not processed or having minimal processing and free from artificial flavouring and colour.
By eating the correct foods, rosacea sufferers can reduce or eliminate flushing and strengthen the small blood vessels that cause the redness.
It is not uncommon for there to be underlying digestive problems are need to be rectified as these can exacerbate rosacea. It is unusual to find a rosacea sufferer who does not have digestive problems of one kind or another. A website that has information on rosacea diet is

Avoiding triggers
Identify all your triggers. Keep a diary and work through the following well known list. Read various articles on rosacea triggers.
A study of over 3,000 rosacea sufferers affected by foods and drinks identified the following triggers:-
Wine was identified as 'irritating their condition' (48% of sufferers found this)
Alcohol was a trigger for 37%
Cayenne pepper affected 36%
Hot coffee affected 35%
Red pepper 34%
Chocolate 33 %,
Tomatoes 31%
Hot tea affected 30%
Citrus fruits affected 27%
Black pepper 18%
White pepper 9%
Paprika 9%.
Vegetables such as eggplant, spinach and avocados affected less than 5%.
Aspartame as a sugar replacement is said to cause noticeable flushing in quite a few sufferers.
Fruit Triggers
Fruits, vegetables and seeds have protective mechanisms to help their survival, these act as deterrents to them being eaten.
Seeds and nuts sometimes have trpysin or enzyme inhibitors; so that if eaten by birds, they pass through undigested and are able to grow when they pass through the bird (wrapped in fertiliser').
These inhibitors are sometimes concentrated in the outer skin or bran.
Fruits can cause allergic reactions and people who are allergic to one fruit are often allergic to others in the same family.
It is reported that peach, melon, kiwi, apple, and banana were responsible for 72 % of allergic reactions in a group of adults with rosacea fruit allergy; note this is 72% of adults with rosacea fruit allergy', not 72% of adults with rosacea.
Fruits more likely to be triggers:
Citrus fruits (and juices) are often triggers as are bananas, red plums, raisins and figs.

Short term use of skin care products.
It is important to realise that skin care products for most rosacea patients are not a treatment and do not cure rosacea, however, if a person with acne or rosacea uses conventional soaps and shampoos, it may make their rosacea worse.
Therefore the use of rosacea skin and care products will reduce the effects of rosacea in quite a few sufferers. Choose skin care products, cleansers, moisturisers and other facial products with great care. There needs to be an understanding of ingredients which must be mild and soothing .
Everyone is unique and so must identify the products that are most suitable for them. Prices can be high and if possible try a company that sells a sample starter kit for a reasonable price; sample starter kits are available for .00
Use skin care products that are specially designed for rosacea, this should ensure that your skin does not come into contact with harmful degreasing agents and other harsh products.

IPL Treatment
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is highly recommended as a longer-term cost effective rosacea treatment.
IPL can also be used for hair removal, and there is a connection between acne and hair follicles. Acne involves the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles to which they are connected. These are predominantly found on the face, upper back and chest,

Rosacea can be controlled through medication
Medication should be a last resort if all the above have failed, as medication, once started is hard to stop, and there can be side effects if the medication is taken over a prolonged period of time.
The NHS website says:-
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are not effective rosacea treatment and can sometimes make it worse.
Topical corticosteroids (gels, creams or ointments that contain steroids, e.g. hydrocortisone) should not be used.

Treatments that are not recommended
Do not buy books sold in electronic form that are not in high street bookstores, where you can browse before you buy. If you do buy such book, be prepared to ask for a refund if it is full of white space and does not tell you anything that you cannot find on the internet.
Cosmetics that are not actual treatments but are on sites that are pay per click' when the search words rosacea treatment' are used.
If you click on a link and the page is that of a cosmetic company, read the information very carefully and see if the cosmetics do actually treat rosacea or are simply cosmetics that will not irritate a sensitive skin.

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