Use These Great Tips To Get Acne Under Control

Most people become angry and frustrated when dealing with acne. This is especially true of teenagers. Acne causes embarrassment and mars a person's appearance, and this is very upsetting to young teens; however, it doesn't have to be. It is really a lot easier to deal with acne than most people realize. It just takes using the right tips in the right situations. In this article, we will share a lot of practical, doable tips that will help you get your acne under control.
Avoid touching your face throughout the day and at night when you are asleep. Many people tend to sleep with their cheek resting on their hand or with their fists against their chin; however, this is a bad practice that can cause germs, bacteria and oil to build up and encourage breakouts. Take care to keep your hands away from your face.
There is a lot of debate over whether or not to pop pimples. Generally speaking, those that are very large and/or painful should be popped, but it's very important that you clean the pimple and the skin around it and also clean your hands thoroughly first. Be sure to wash up afterward as well. Treat the popped pimple with a natural antibacterial such as tea tree oil to kill germs and assist in healing.
The use of skin peels containing hydroxyl acids and/or salicylic acid can be helpful in diminishing acne. This sort of treatment can be used once a week or so to help slough off old skin and reveal new, fresh skin. This treatment also helps remove acne and blackheads, reduces oil and helps the skin to heal.
Be sure your bed linens are clean. This includes both your sheets and your pillowcases. While you are asleep, the oils and sweat from your skin can soak into your sheets and pillowcases. When this happens, germs and bacteria grow and transfer back to your skin the next time you get in bed. This is a vicious cycle that adds up to more acne and skin irritation. Be sure to change your bed sheets at least once a week, and change your pillowcase every night before you go to bed.
Avoid extremes of temperature. Both very hot and very cold weather can aggravate acne. In hot weather, be sure to stay well hydrated and rest when you become overheated. If you sweat copiously during the day, be sure to take a bath or shower at night so that you are not going to bed with oil, germs and bacteria built up on your skin. Use an oil-free moisturizer during the winter to protect your skin against harsh, cold, dry air because this can cause your skin to over produce oil.
Clearly, taking care of your acne is not impossible and it doesn't need to be frustrating. Consistent, intelligent, gentle care will keep your skin healthy and attractive. Follow the tips presented here to get your acne under control.
For more information visit Acne Treatments.
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