How Eating Fruit Can Help You to Cure Your Acne

When the skin pores are clogged, it causes skin irritation. This skin irritation commonly comes in the form of acne. Most people suffer from acne at some point in their life. In fact, this skin condition is common among adolescents but can also affect babies and adults.
Acne is a skin disorder which is caused by several factors and one of them is the hormone called androgen. The hormonal type of acne is the most common skin disorder that people go through during the puberty age. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum. Sebum lubricates the hair to make them shiny and flexible. However, too much of the sebum along with the dead skin cells and hair follicles can cause clogged skin pores.
One way of controlling this skin irritation is by controlling the production of sebum. For men, it can be done by taking a medicine called Isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is a retinoid, a chemical which is related to Vitamin A and it is found in the human body in small amount. Women can also take the "spiro" or Spironolactone which is known for its anti-androgen properties. These drugs may be helpful in controlling the sebaceous glands but may pose some health risks to an individual. Fortunately, one can stay away from these risks through fruit diet since fruits contain vitamins that can control overactive sebaceous glands.
Below are some of the fruits that will help in minimizing acne breakout.
1. Lemon contains citric acid which helps in eliminating dead skin cells that can clog the skin pores thereby preventing skin irritation.
2. Pineapple has bromelain enzyme that reduce the swelling and inflammation of acne.
3. Banana has tryptophan aminoacide which is then converted into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone which is thought to create a feeling of happiness therefore reducing the effect of everyday stress that can also trigger acne.
4. Strawberry has substantial amount of antioxidants which include vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy acid. These antioxidants promote healthy and youthful looking skin by removing dead skin cells.
5. Apricot is a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin B-complex. These vitamins really help in maintaining a healthy and glowing skin.
These are just some of the fruits that may not only help give your skin that perfect glow but may also help in eradicating, if not minimizing the cases of acne build-up. Regular consumption of these fruits is really essential especially to a person who is always having a regular bout of this skin problem.
However, it is important to remember that even though fruits are helpful in combating acne, there are plenty of factors that can cause this type of skin problem. So, when having a healthy fruit diet doesn't seem to be enough to treat or prevent acne, you may want to add some skin care regimen that should be right for your skin. It should be perfectly alright to try out products that use natural ingredients that are not harsh on the skin and see if it works for you. If the problem persists, it is time to take that trip and consult a dermatologist to seek professional help, care and treatment.
If your looking for a good acne treatment we suggest checking out exposed skin care!

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