Secret Tips for Coloring Resistant Hair Like a Salon Professional

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Hi, I'm Jasen James, a professional hair colorist and your HairColorHelper. I'm here to answer your questions about coloring your hair at home.

Many people have resistant hair, which means it doesn't accept color readily -- even after you've added the extra processing time suggested in the product instructions. The most common types of resistant hair are gray hair and coarse or wiry hair.

A lot of you have already heard about pre-softening your hair in those problem areas, or adding a booster to your color formula to help the color penetrate. So instead of telling you about what you may already know, I'm going to give you two very important secrets that professional hair colorists use in the salon. We use these all the time on resistant hair.

If your hair is resistant because it's gray, apply the color and then cover your head with plastic wrap while the color sets. The heat trapped by the plastic will help the color penetrate better. If your gray hair is only resistant in problem areas, then tackle those the same way.

For example, if your temples don't accept color as well as the hair on the rest of your head, gently place a strip of plastic wrap on top of the color in the temple area for the duration of the processing time. Just be sure it stays put. You don't want the color being mushed around on the plastic, as this will diffuse the exposure to the color. Pat the plastic gently into position and then leave it alone until your timer rings.

If your hair is coarse or wiry and resistant, it helps to cover the hairline, or wherever else you have a problem, with foil once the color has been applied. Just shape the foil into a headband and lay it gently right over the color. This will prevent the coarse, wiry hairs from popping up and will keep them bathing in the color formula. Again, leave it in place and don't allow the headband to move around until you're ready to rinse.

See, you really can make those hairs behave!

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