Acne Types and How to get rid of Acne Naturally and Powerful

How to eliminate Acne , like scars , acne can also disturb your appearance especially if you face filled with a lot of pimples and acne problems is almost over to every person , every person must have experienced acne problems whether it's just a small pimple or acne is stubborn . So how your to get rid of Acne? , In this article I will give you how to get rid of acne please scrutiny . Acne has many kinds and causes, therefore eliminating acne treatment is also different depending on the type of acne itself. and before you get rid of acne it helps you recognize in advance the type of acne that is in your face .

Here are the various types of acne and its causes .

Acne Types and Causes

  1. Acne Stone - The scientific term of this type is acne : Cystic Acne . The shape is quite large , with a lump that is accompanied by inflammation . Cystic acne is usually scattered in almost all parts of the face , very different from regular acne that is usually only found in one part of the face only. This cystic acne often makes people feel miserable losing confidence because the face does not seem very appealing . Usually this type of cystic acne arise due to genetic factors or heredity.
  2. Common acne - The look and shape of the usual type of acne or acne that is commonly referred to as classical is very easy to recognize that a small skin -colored bumps slightly reddish or pink . A common cause of this type of acne is stress , hormonal factors and humid air that trigger the skin to produce excess oil to be the section where bacterial growth . As a result, the skin pores clogged due to infection caused by the bacteria .
  3. Blackheads - Acne blackheads are types of acne that consists of two kinds , namely :  • Blackheads are open , this type of acne will look like enlarged pores and blackened ( the black dots are porous plug that changes color due to oxidation by air ).  • Blackheads are closed , this type has a form of acne that grows on the skin pores are clogged so it will look like a small white bumps under the skin 's surface.
Acne Types and How to get rid of Acne Naturally
Treatments for Acne - Above are various types of acne and its causes , now you know what genius acne on your face , then it is time to eliminate acne . Following ways to eliminate acne naturally .

7 Ways to Eliminate Acne Naturally

  1. Tomatoes - One type of plant that can be said of fruit and vegetables also does have many benefits , but can to remove blackheads , it turns out tomatoes can also eliminate acne and acne scars . How to get rid of acne with Comat is we just simply slicing tomatoes and paste and then applied on the acne affected face , wait and let stand for 15 minutes . For a more satisfactory way of doing this for about a month .
  2. Garlic - How to get rid of acne with garlic can be with two options . The first option is by mashing up two or more subtle garlic and then smeared around the face are acne , let stand for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly . The second option , to take one or more of garlic on a daily basis . Many say that the way to eliminate acne is quite effective , but did we have to put up with the smell of garlic is quite pungent .
  3. Toothpaste - In addition to memberiskan teeth , but can also be a way to eliminate acne by using toothpaste . The trick , before we sleep just enough toothpaste smeared around the face with acne , then leave it until the morning and rinse using clean water .
  4. Lemon - No doubt it gives many fruits draw upon for our health , including in a manner that eliminates acne using lemon. The content of citric acid found in lime juice can remove dead skin cells that will cause acne . By making a lemon herb mixed with rose water is able to get rid of acne . The trick , mix the lemon juice with rose water and apply on the face with acne , let stand for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse with warm water . Regular use for 15 days to deliver maximum results .
  5. Egg white - How to get rid of acne with a material that is easy enough , separate the egg whites and beat until foamy us . Apply on the acne affected face then let stand for about 15 minutes . The egg white will absorb oils that can cause acne pimples until finally disappeared .
  6. Aloe Vera - Caution do not use the native tongue of the alligator 's mouth , he , , Take a leaf of aloe vera , cut into several pieces, peel the outer skin , apply on the acne that appears , and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon . If you are patient enough , acne may be able to dry and flake off for 3 days . Additionally aloe is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars . Once again the key is only one , painstaking . ! !
  7. Always Clean Face - Always facial hygiene care every day of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with road dust , then be diligent to clean the face before or after the activity . As the consumption of the , then multiply eat vegetables and drink water . Those who do not like vegetables , The fruits that contain water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make our face more clean and radiant .

So how to get rid of acne naturally I can give here. I hope to do these things you will get back the face smooth and free from acne problems, Regards.

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