Antibiotic Tetracycline, Doxycycline and Minocycline for Acne Treatments

Tetracycline is one of the first broad-spectrum antibiotic ever developed and has become the most potent antibiotic of choice for a wide variety of bacterial infections . In addition , topical tetracycline is one of the first drug specifically approved for the treatment of acne vulgaris .

Tetracycline is an antibiotic polyketides , which are a family of drugs ( tetracycline family ) which also includes the popular anti - acne antibiotics doxycycline and minocycline . Polyketide antibiotics work by preventing bacteria susceptible of new protein synthesis ( which prevents them from growing ) . They do this by binding to the 30S ribosomal sub- units and hamper the ability to translate RNA into proteins .

In recent years , doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline have been replaced in the treatment of acne or acne scars , since both tend to be more effective and have fewer side effects . However , tetracycline is used in the treatment of various types of bacterial infections , including urinary tract infections . Bacterial resistance to tetracycline , doxycycline and minocycline has become a major problem in some countries and has led to a decrease in the use of this class of antibiotics in areas affected by disease or bacteria.

Tetracycline antibiotics for acne
Important Note : The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat disease . Science Acne strongly encourages you to consult with a qualified medical professional before making treatment decisions .

If possible , tetracycline must be obtained through a doctor's consultation . Most doctors and dermatologists are familiar with this drug , however, tend to prefer the use of either doxycycline or minocycline . Tetracycline is widely available in brand name and generic formulations , and is one of the most inexpenxive antibiotics available .

Tetracycline Price Comparison
Currently , the use of tetracycline is rarely . In addition to causing a change in the color of the teeth and teeth structure , tertracycline can cause damage to bone and inhibit bone formation . Not only that , this drug can cause liver and kidney damage .

Drug Interactions :

  • Tetracyclines form a chelate complex with calcium ions , magnesium , iron and aluminum . It should not be given concurrently with tonic - tonic containing iron or with antacids such as aluminum compounds , amgnesium . Milk contains a lot of calcium , so it should not be taken together with milk.
  • Treatment with tetracyclines should not be combined with penicillin or cephalosporin .
  • Carbamazepine and phenytoin : decrease the effectiveness of oral tetracycline .
  • Tetracycline will extend the work antikluogulan coumarin , so the freezing process will be delayed .
  • Antacids Tetracycline Group - Effect of tetracycline is reduced . As a result of acne has not changed , to prevent interaction , do not take these two drugs together in a span of two hours . Antacids ( AlternaGel , DI Gel , Gelusn , Kudrox , Maalox , Mylanta , Riopan , WinGel , etc. )
  • Tetracycline Group of Vitamin A - This combination will cause the pressure in the head cavity with symptoms such as headache , severe nausea , and visual disturbances . In the long -term treatment with tetracycline , avoid the use of vitamin supplements containing vitamin A.
  • Doxycycline - Barbiturates Effects of doxycycline can reduce acne pimple but a result of circumstances will not change unless the dose of doxycycline plus . Barbiturates ( Phenobarbital , Luminal, Mebaral, Amytal, Alurate, Butisol, Buticap, Carbrital, Tuinal, Solfoton , etc. ) . Doxycycline ( Doxy - Tabs, Doxychel, Vibramycin, Vibratab)
Hopefully articles on Tetracycline Antibiotics for Acne can help you in dealing with acne.

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