The Benefits Of Fish Oil For Acne

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Fish oil is a dietary supplement which has been proven to improve overall health and manage conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. What makes fish oil so amazing is that it contains omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid found in certain fish such as salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 can also be found in plant-based substances such as walnuts and flaxseed. Recently, fish oil has become known for its skin-nourishing effects. Fish oil can be used to decrease skin sensitivity, reduce acne outbreaks and promote healing of the skin.

Reduced Inflammation

Acne occurs when skin pores become blocked by oil and bacteria begins to grow. There are two types of acne; inflammatory including whiteheads and blackheads and non inflammatory which includes papule, pustules, nodules and cysts. Research from the University of Maryland Medical Center shows that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help reduce inflammation and improve the overall appearance of skin.

Reduced Outbreaks

Fish oil can also reduce the occurrence of acne outbreaks. This is because fish oil is a mood enhancer. Because stress can trigger acne outbreaks taking fish oil can improve mood, thereby reducing the chances of outbreaks related to stress.


Essential fatty acids found in fish oil help promote skin healing by nourishing and protecting the skin. In fact, the UMMC reports that fish oil is proven to reduce skin sensitivity as evidenced in a study following people with sun sensitivity known as photo dermatitis. Additionally, the gamma-linoleic acid found in fish oil helps stimulate skin and is often used to heal skin lesions common among eczema sufferers.

It is quite easy to get your daily intake of fish oil. There are numerous supplements on the market. Or sufficient amounts of omega-3 can be obtained by eating just two servings of fatty fish a week.

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