Natural and Herbal Remedies for Treatment Nodular Acne

Treatment of nodular acne naturally and some herbal remedies that can be used to eliminate or treat nodular acne and nodular acne scars.

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin , which is marked by a hard lump on the skin which is then enlarged . Which is usually caused by several factors such as acne usually , that is due to excess sebum and karatin on the body , the buildup of bacteria on the skin , clogging the pores , excessive oil production , etc.
Acne itself is often experienced by a person growing up . Acne is not only located on the face , but can be in other places on our bodies as well . But not all people have acne , but some people also have mild acne that is like blackheads, white heads , etc. . But there are also who have severe forms of acne , such as nodular acne or also often called by nodulocystic acne.

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Treatment Acne
Natural and Herbal Remedies

What nodular acne that ? ?

Nodular acne is a type of acne is the most severe form of acne vulgaris and acne is no need to be treated treated with caution when the nodular acne treatment . Nodular acne spots are formed from well-structured and structured under the skin . Nodular acne is marked by a hard lump on the skin which is then enlarged . Nodular acne is very large and painful pimples grow . If nodular acne is not treated immediately or handled , can cause skin infections that can aggravate the skin and can occur continuously at any other time . Would that you do not touch or squeeze the nodular acne , because acne can multiply on the skin and can last longer than usual nodular acne treatment . Nodular acne arises not only in the face but there is in the back and chest.

Causes of Nodular Acne

In general, acne is caused due to blocking or stoppage the pores of the skin . For cause nodular acne is the overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands are structured under the skin surface . When sebun clogged and could not walk smoothly up the hair shaft and reach the surface of the skin , and sebun clogged it will cause acne to grow . Another factor that can cause nodular acne is bacterial buildup and shedding of dead skin cells that irritate and imprint on the hair follicles in the skin . Hair follicles become plugged with dead skin and bacteria that can cause acne nodular growth .

Nodular acne treatment

Early treatment is the way to handle this nodular acne . Nodular acne treatment may use a topical cream that can heal mild to moderate forms of acne , but this nodular acne need to be treated with aggressive therapy . Dermatologists may prescribe oral antibiotics to prevent and fend off bacteria and can reduce inflammation in the skin . But sometimes they also need better than antibiotics , namely the laser acne treatment can also be used in severe cases of nodular acne to handle this kind .

Home remedy of nodular acne

You can also use a natural treatment , but you should regularly in the treatment of acne naturally if you want to immediately avoid nodular acne . An important tips for nodular acne home remedies is to cleanse your face with warm water on a regular basis or before you use other treatment methods .

There are some herbal remedies to deal with acne nodular

  • Mint Leaf = rubbed the juice of fresh mint leaves over the face every night after cleansing with warm water . Usually in this way is less effective if done alone Just the evening , would be better with the morning too . Mint is an anti -inflammatory and can reduce severe swelling on the nodular acne .
  • Apple Cider Vinegar = Dilute apple cider vinegar in the proportion of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water . Apply the solution with a clean cotton on the affected area at night and rinse the next day in the morning .
  • A mixture of honey and cinnamon = Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder together . Apply the paste on the affected area before sleeping and wash it with warm water in the morning .
  • Tea Tree Oil = Apply with a cotton tea tree oil on the affected area before sleeping and rinse in the morning with warm water .

When you are dealing with nodular acne , it is critical to avoid some of the actions that can aggravate acne even reproduce it , the action of which dalah touching acne , acne squeeze , or pop pimples because it can multiply to cause acne and acne scars . At the time of this nodular acne treatment , proper skin care is also important to get rid of the problem with nodular acne .

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