Addressing Flu or Colds

Flu and colds a seasonal disease that is always disturbing our activities . Especially in uncertain seasons now, sometimes heat and sudden rain .

Flu and colds are also highly contagious , so if people around us stricken with this disease , it would be very vulnerable for us to contract , through touch or air conditioning .
Therefore we megetahui oenting for prevention and how to cope with the flu or a cold , so that our activities remain current as menstinya .

Quickly Overcome Flu

1 . Consumption of fruit and vegetables

Intake of vitamins and minerals are very important when the body is not in good condition . Consuming fruits and vegetables is one way to help help strengthen your immune system .

2 . Wind exhale through the nostrils

Tersebumbat nose is an endless torture that feels cold when attacking . It's good when you start stuffy nose , close one nostril and exhale vigorously winds darilubang nose only , and do this alternately so that lenders can clog out . But be careful when doing it , yes . Blowing the nose is too strong to hurt you .

3 . resting total

Flu will strike when the body 's immune system weakened , for that you have to restore your immune system with a total rest . Try to keep your body warm by rubbing eucalyptus oil and put a blanket when you sleep .

4 . Hot Drinks Consumption

When the flu strikes, many body fluids are lost through the mucus , saliva , and sweat . For that reason , it is advisable for you to consume a lot of water . The water that you consume should be slightly warm or hot temperatures because of the warm liquid can reduce nasal congestion , prevent dehydration , and who has strep throat . In addition , the steam from hot drinks can also help thin the mucus .

5 . gargle

In addition to the nose , throat flu is also very disturbing . For that , you try gargling with warm water mixed with various ingredients of spices for example mineral salt , ginger , turmeric , apple vinegar , or kencur . Do it at least four times a day , then the throat will feel lighter .

6 . Menthol aroma

Apply eucalyptus oil or balm containing menthol near the nostrils . It will feel a little hot , but the menthol is very helpful to cure and prevent irritation stuffy nose around the nostrils .

7 . Traditional Steam Therapy
Evaporation is one of the traditional ways to cope with the flu . Put hot water into the basin , wear it on neck Handung cover your head , and place it face up on the basin . It could also spice mix ingredients that can help meringkankan miyak flu like eucalyptus , jahet , or turmeric for maximum results .

8 . Elevate pillows

When sleeping , your head position is higher than the chest to reduce the formation of mucus . Use double pillow , and lay with her face to the ceiling .

9 . aroma Onions

Onions can serve as a catalyst in the nasal discharge and cleaning . Hold the onions at the bottom of the nostril and inhale the aroma for about 5 minutes .

10 . consumption of Chili

Capsaicin , a chemical compound found in chili proven effective to help cleanse the nasal cavity . When the flu began to attack , try eating soup with a sprinkling of pepper or chili -containing foods

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