Loneliness More Deadly Than Obesity

Overweight or obesity is a risk factor for a variety of illness and can affect the health of the body . But according to a new study , there are factors that have a worse impact on health than obesity . These factors are LONELY .

The impact of loneliness
According to research by the University of Chicago in the United States, the researchers found that loneliness can make blood pressure rise up to the area at risk for stroke, heart attack, depression, and a weakened immune system.

A professor of psychology , John Cacioppo has studied the effects of loneliness for approximately 20 years . It performs analysis on more than 2,000 men and women aged 50 years and older for 6 years later .

Those who feel lonely most known almost 2 times more likely to die during that time period compared to those who felt most needed . Other studies have even mentioned that loneliness 2 times more kills than overweight or obese .

Cacioppo said that loneliness can also disrupt sleep so that people who often feel lonely tend to have a dependency on sleeping pills . Cacioppo explains that lonely people generally feel very alert so that any bit of noise can instantly awaken her .


The findings of this study also makes a heavier burden on the population today , considering in today most people prefer to communicate via the internet instead of meeting in person . Therefore , Cacioppo suggested that those who are elderly while maintaining a good relationship with family or co-workers even though he was retired .

Cacioppo added the need for a change of thought which reveals if retirement means having to leave family and friends , choose a quiet place , away from the crowds . " It may seem common but it is not a good idea , " says Cacioppo .

Stay interact with family
The study found that people who have remained close friends and continued interaction with co-workers even though he was retired tend to feel lonely . Continued to interact with family and close friends in old age is the best way to throw loneliness .

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