10 Natural Nutrition Food for your Skin

Are you getting tired of using beauty products are expensive and ineffective? It's time to get rid of all the beauty products and start using food from nature for perfect skin.
makanan untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuhAlmost everyone has experienced problems with the skin.Call it the problem of acne , which is sometimes difficult to get rid of the acne. Plus some everyday foods can aggravate your skin. But there are also foods that actually increase the beauty and health of your skin. Try to check the following list of 10 foods that you can consume each day to get perfect skin.
Red peppers
Red peppers are vegetables that can be enjoyed either cooked or eaten raw directly. One red bell pepper contains more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs. These vegetables also contain significant amounts of fiber and vitamin B6. In addition, it contains carotenoids may help prevent skin wrinkles, fight acne, and improve blood circulation to your skin so that the skin look younger and healthier.
One red bell pepper contains only about 30 calories. Terkadung fibers in the peppers will help you feel full longer with fewer calories. Plus bonus flawless skin you can have.
Dark chocolate
chocolate of this type can be used as one of the favorite foods to be consumed every day. These foods are rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and flavanols which makes your skin look more radiant.Antioxidants in it will help reduce the roughness of the skin and protect it from damage caused by sun exposure.
In addition, cocoa content can relax the arteries and increase blood circulation to the skin healthier.
If you like dark chocolate, dark chocolate can you make daily food choices and make sure you choose a chocolate that contains at least 80% cocoa milk and sugar to avoid overload.
Salmon is an excellent food to combat stress, anxiety, and depression. Salmon also contains a large portion of your daily vitamin D needs. As you know, vitamin D is responsible for maintaining a healthy heart, bones, intestines, and brain. This vitamin also helps prevent colon cancer, anxiety, depression, heart disease, and bone disease.
Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids are very good for fighting inflammation, wrinkles, and jerawat.Omega high-3 also helps hydrate your skin from the inside to the outside. In addition, eating salmon make your scalp hydrated and make hair healthy and strong.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat with about 90 percent of total calories as saturated fat. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, an antibacterial agent, and a strong antiviral repel viruses, infection, inflammation, and acne. This oil is also rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which is perfect for keeping your skin becomes moist, soft, and wrinkle-free.
Gunkanlah coconut oil as a body cream and eat a tablespoon of raw coconut oil every day. Coconut oil is also very good for your thyroid. Plus, there is evidence that coconut oil can help you lose weight. So many of the health benefits of coconut oil for?
Spinach is a healthy vegetable that is rich in nutrients. Try vegetables you put these into your daily diet. Maybe a lot of people hate spinach, but this vegetable is a good source for iron, folate, chlorophyll, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin A, fiber, vegetable protein, and vitamin C. Because of the ability of antioxidants, vitamin C, E, and A are contained in spinach depat great effect for your skin.
Spinach contains antioxidants that fight almost all types of skin problems. Try your consumption of spinach every day and feel that will change what you see. By eating spinach, you not only clean the inner skin, but jugabagian outside.
chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds good for your skin. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are both rich in selenium, vitamin E, magnesium, and protein. Selenium and protein make your wrinkles gradually disappear, vitamin E can increase the moisture in your skin, and magnesium can lower stress levels. Lemakomega acid-3 in flaxseed and chia seeds are very potent to combat wrinkles and acne.
How to eat them, sprinkle seeds right on top of the salad or oatmeal and enjoy a delicious taste and perfect skin. If you want to try another alternative, add the yogurt fruit seeds also, it seems like it would be better.Or try adding raw bijilabu anyway.
Green tea
Who the hell are not familiar with green tea? Green tea is actually the name of a drink, but is derived from the leaves of the tea plant. Although some people prefer the black tea, but green tea is a source of antioxidants and amino acids L-theanine may help the body relax and decrease stress levels.
Green tea may also reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and antioxidant prove useful as anti-cancer agents and anti-inlamasi. Drink 3 cups of green tea every day for better results.
Celery is
another good food eaten for perfect skin is celery. Many of us underestimate this vegetable, but celery contains vitamin K, which makes healthy blood circulation and help reduce high blood pressure. This can reduce your stress level, and as you know that stress can lead to poor skin, migraines, and even cancer.
Celery also contains natural sodium, potassium, and water, and can help to prevent dehydration. You need to know that the dehydration of the skin characterized by dry skin, peeling, wrinkles, and even acne. Make sure you eat celery every day. If you are counting calories, do not worry, celery is very low in calories anyway.
Papaya is a fruit that is rich and many nutritional benefits. The fruit is very low in calories (only 39 calories per 100 g) and also contain no cholesterol. So if you are trying to lose weight, try to consider eating papaya every day to maximize health benefits.
Papaya is low in fructose and very good for digestion. Antioxidant nutrients in it, including vitamin C, E, and beta-karotenbaik to reduce inflammation and acne. In addition, the vitamin C can also protect your skin against damage caused by sun exposure.
Carrots are not only good for the eyes, but also for your skin. Carrots are excellent for clearing acne. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent the overproduction of cells in the outer layer of skin.
Another reason why carrots are good for your health as vitamin A may reduce the development of skin cancer cells. So, make sure you eat a half cup of carrots every day for perfect skin.
You do not have to eat all this food every day, quite a few. Make sure you also avoid fast food and foods high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. Which of these foods that you like and you eat every day? Please for your experience with us and other readers.

source from webkesehatan.com

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