Poor Risk Overweight Or Obese

Poor risk Overweight Or Obese
Obesity or being overweight or obese is associated with a condition in which there is excess body fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue. Generally, the causes of obesity caused by unhealthy lifestyles. It can be bad for health because obesity can lead to the arrival of other serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

As for the other bad effects on health for obese or overweight, including:


Generally in the obese was experiencing difficulty breathing and sometimes his breath short. The cause is the accumulation of fat around the chest and neck so it has trouble making or issuing air to breathe.

In Skin Problems

Another bad impact on the skin where it can make a change in hormones. In addition, excessive fat also makes the skin more dilated which will cause fine lines. In addition, he or she can make the fat folds of fungi and bacteria to flourish.

Pain In Knee Joints

Pain in the joints and muscles in the foot are often experienced by people with obesity. This is due to factors that are overweight can increase the load or stress on the knees and ankles.

Improved Stomach Acid

Being overweight can also increase stomach acid it is not good because if it did then the patient will feel a burning sensation, pain and pressure around the chest and neck. Everything is caused by pressing the fat that makes the stomach area stomach acid to rise.


Another problem of obesity that lead to depression and are more likely to stress. This is due to feelings of inferiority and shame that drives people become more resilient to stress and depression.

Snoring While Sleeping

Snoring during sleep to be one which is due to the risk of fatty tissue in the body contribute to causes snoring and disturbed sleep .


A lot of obese people will complain of back pain. This is due to the added overhead of the spine by a buildup of fat. Risk of fatal if the weight does not go down, the backbone can increase the risk of fractures from within.

Blood Pressure Rises

Not a few obese people who suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, which triggers the occurrence of heart disease and is the most dangerous risk to the body.

Coming Month Irregular

Another influence is irregular menses more causes the hormone imbalance, it is also triggered by obesity which makes the performance of the hormone is not functioning normally.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins appear when the weakening of blood vessel walls so that the veins dilated. In addition due to heredity, varicose veins are also caused by being overweight or obese.

That's some explanation of Dangers Incurred Many Causes Obesity Diseases . The key is to always maintain a healthy diet and exercising regularly for the health and prevent obesity.

Source from doktercewek.com

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