How to Remove Dark Spots Around Mouth: Home Remedies for Dark Skin Around Mouth

Remove SkinDiscolorationAround Mouth

Dark spots or skin discoloration around lips or chin is quite embarrassing both for men and women. If you have black spots around mouth, there are home remedies that you can apply to get rid of discoloration around mouth naturally.
remove dark spots around mouth

Melanin is the pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Melanin protects skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can burn the skin. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have. Several conditions can cause alterations in the skin's melanin production and promote the formation of dark spots around the mouth.

When exposed under the sun, the areas around the mouth may darken more easily than the rest of the face. A build-up of dead skin cells around the mouth also causes the dry and dark skin around mouth. The climate can be another factor for having skin discoloration around mouth. Dryness around the mouth is compounded during cold winter climate, and some people tend to wet that area with their saliva, which has a substance that can darken the skin around mouth.

Home Remedies for Removing Dark Spots Around Mouth

1. If you're treating skin pigmentation around your mouth, don't forget to apply sunscreen every day. The use of a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 is one of the best natural ways on how to get rid of black spots. Sunscreen will protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays when going out and help reduce skin discoloration around mouth.

2. Sliced raw potato acts as a skin whitening agent which will provide the remedy on how to remove dark spots around mouth. Simply cut a slice of potato and rub it on dry and dark skin around mouth and leave them for 20 minutes.

3. If you have dark spots around mouth, you can use coconut oil and coconut water to lighten those black spots around mouth naturally. You can reduce the appearance of skin discoloration by rubbing coconut oil on the dark areas around mouth every night before going to bed.

4. Aloe vera gel is considered very effective to lighten dark skin around the mouth. Application of aloe vera gel persistently on the affected area helps reduce the dark skin discoloration around mouth.

5. Cucumber juice can be applied on dry as well as oily skin to improve skin complexion. Use a mixture of lime juice and cucumber juice on the dark skin around mouth. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

6. Face masks at home with turmeric is very helpful to remove dark spots around mouth. Prepare a facial mask using turmeric powder and curd. Apply it on the dark skin around mouth for about 20 minutes and then wash off gently.

7. Avocado remedy is another home remedy on how to get rid of black spots. The enzymes in avocados can also reduce skin pigmentation around mouth. Mash and prepare a smooth paste of avocado and apply it around the mouth to remove dark spots and patches.

8. Oatmeal facial mask will help in removing dark spots around mouth. Take some oatmeal along with curd and tomato juice. Apply onto the skin discoloration around mouth. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

These are some home remedies that can help you how to get rid of dark marks around the mouth.

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