Compared With Pure Olive Oil, Corn Oil More Effective To Lowers Cholesterol

A study conducted in the United States find the latest facts. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, there are about 600 thousand Americans died from heart disease each year. One of the biggest origination heart attack is moderately high cholesterol.

In a study published by the Journal of Clinical Lipidology mentioned, corn oil reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol in the body as much as 11 percent. Compared with pure olive oil that can only lower bad cholesterol by 3.5 percent. Not only that, the corn oil are also capable of lowering total of more than 8 percent compared to virgin olive oil which removes only the total cholesterol by 2 percent.

In the study, the researchers recruited 54 men and women. They were divided into two groups, the first group was given four tablespoons of virgin olive oil, while the second group was given corn oil. The researchers also took blood samples before and after taking the oil. The researchers then concluded, corn oil was more effective in reducing cholesterol levels because it contains the amount of sterols which more than pure olive oil. We know, sterols are substances which are found in nuts and seeds.

In the same levels, corn oil has 136 milligrams of sterol and pure olive oil is only 30 milligrams of sterol. Related sterols, several studies have shown that plant sterols play an important role in making healthy corn. If conclude, this study actually seemed reinforces previous research. In the study mentioned that corn oil is very beneficial for heart health. And now, these benefits be increased, as compared with pure olive oil, corn oil is more effective in lowering cholesterol.

Corn nutritional facts you should know

Corn is one source of carbohydrates that actually contains a variety of important nutrients. One is a carotenoid that helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. When most of the vegetables and fruit have nutritional value will drop after cooking, not so in the corn. According to researchers from Cornell University, cooked corn had higher levels of carotenoids (vitamin A). In addition, the cooking process will increase the antioxidants in corn to 53 percent. There's more other substances that are not less important, namely ferulic acid.

Phytonutrients ferulic acid is found in many grains, but the levels are low in vegetables and fruits. Ferulic acids are located mainly in corn. When cooked, ferulic acid in corn will increase significantly. Although yellow because carotene, but corn contains very little beta-carotene. Carotene alone will prevent oxidation reactions that lead to cancer.

Besides being rich in carbohydrates, another corn nutrition among other vitamins and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, and thiamine. Corn oil contains 55 percent of a poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 25 percent of mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), and 12 percent saturates. Either PUFA or MUFA helps lower bad cholesterol. Because the protein in corn does not contain essential amino acids, it is recommended to add it to other protein sources such as milk or animal proteins contain amino acids that do not exist.

Another benefit of consuming corn is fiber content reaches 15 percent and about 9 percent is soluble fiber which is good for lowering cholesterol levels and blood sugar. That is why, corn is one of cholesterol lowering foods. Because corn is quite high glycemic index, aka quickly raise blood sugar, diabetics and those classified as obese should consume corn only in moderation.

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