Freezer Meal: Burritos

Skills Level: Beginner
Skills Attained: Freezer Meal

  • Tortilla Shells (10")
  • Meat (1 pound): chicken, ground beef, or ground chicken (et al.)
  • Taco Seasoning (1 packet)
  • Burrito Filling Ingredients: shredded cheese, sour cream, diced tomatoes, diced peppers, minced jalapeños, salsa, and guacamole (et al.)
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Freezer Bags
  • Crockpot or Pot (to cook meat)
  • Large Mixing Bowl
  • Large Spoon

As I prepared for my third baby's arrival, I "nested" in a different way than in times past by stocking my freezer full of meals. I made some lasagna, chicken pot pies, and egg sandwiches, to name a few. One staple I try to keep in the freezer all the time is a hearty supply of burritos. They are a great lunch option and reheat in the microwave quickly. I don't have a specific recipe, but I'll share with you the basic method. 

Cook the meat. Use ground beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, and/or shredded pork or beef. If you prefer a more hands-off cooking method, use a crock pot. Simply put a pound of meat into the crock pot with a packet of taco seasoning mix and a few tablespoons of water. Depending on the meat, cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 4-5 hours. Break up or shred the meat when it's completely cooked through.

Mix together the burrito "filling" ingredients with the meat in a large bowl. This is where you can get creative and add the type and quantity of mix-ins you like. I truly eyeball the amounts.  Here are a few things I like to use: shredded cheese, sour cream, diced tomatoes, diced peppers, minced jalapeños, salsa, and guacamole. I leave out any kind of lettuce as I don't think the freeze-thaw process will treat the lettuce very well (but I haven't tried). Mix everything thoroughly together.  Unfortunately, this step doesn't produce the most appetizing result, but I like it because the ingredients are spread uniformly throughout the burrito.  No one wants to eat all their guacamole in one bite.  Also, it makes it much less labor intensive to assemble. 

Assemble the burritos in the tortilla shells; fold up the shells; and wrap with aluminum foil. Ten inch shells work the best, but you can use whatever size tortilla you'd like. Fold the tortillas by bringing up the bottom end over the filling, turn the sides in, and then roll the shell towards the top. Wrap the burrito with aluminum foil. If you need a demonstration, head to Chipotle.

Store burritos in a freezer bag in the freezer for 4-6 months. To reheat, unwrap the burrito from the aluminum foil, wrap the burrito in a damp paper towel, and heat it in the microwave on high for 2 minutes.

This is a quick, simple meal you can grab on the run. 

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