Vitamin B1 Foods & Benefits For Health (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 is a type of vitamin which is incorporated in the vitamin B complex. These vitamins have contributed quite important for heart health and improve brain function for the body. Vitamin B1 or thiamine is a type of vitamin which is easily dissolved if splashed in the water. The important role of vitamin B1 in addition to improve brain performance is also very important to help swap or change carbohydrates into glucose that is ultimately processed by the body into a source of energy to perform various everyday activities.

Vitamin B1 Functions

Thiamin has many health benefits for the human body, including the following:

1. Increase energy: Thiamine able to increase one's energy by increasing blood circulation which ultimately help to spread oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The more oxygen stored in the network, increasing the body's energy.

2. Preventing anemia: Vitamin B1 is able to restore oxygen to all tissues of the body due to hypoxia, a condition in which an oxygen deficiency anemia. Thus, vitamin B1 also has a role for the body to ward off anemia.

3. Helps the metabolism of glucose: Vitamin B complex being used by the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose so as to make the body's energy be increased or recover if doing intense exercise. Carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role in maintaining the balance of body organs, particularly the liver (liver). Liver plays an important role in maintaining blood glucose level, the ability of the liver to synthesize glucose closely associated with the role of vitamin B1.

Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause problems in memory. Then loss of appetite and sleep disorders such as insomnia. Beriberi disease is also caused by a lack of vitamin B1. But you do not need to worry, because a lot of foods containing Vitamin B1.

Sources of vitamin B1 from animals

1. Meat: Meat in cans, turned out to contain 0.9 mcg vitamin B1. Higher than the vitamin B1 on the fruit and vegetables. Offal contain enough vitamin B1. There was also a beef also contains vitamin B1. Such as beef liver contains a lot of vitamin B1. Moreover, meat low in fat, contain more vitamin B1.

2. Fish: Tuna contains at least 4 ounces, is able to meet 38% of the daily requirement of vitamin B1 in the body. By doing so, it is good to eat fish to meet the needs of vitamin B1. Surely, in 4 ounces of tuna contains 0.57 mcg vitamin B1. Then there is the salmon are also similar to its content of vitamin B1 such as tuna. In addition, the use of supplements like fish oil can also help meet the needs of vitamin B1. Because not everyone likes the kind of fish that contain vitamin B1, so supplements help to fulfill them.

3. Eggs: Eggs are a source of food most frequently consumed by most people. Such as breakfast, rarely using cereals, but the eggs can be used as an alternative to meet the nutritional needs of vitamin B1. Certainly not just for breakfast only. Because the eggs produced from chickens, chicken meat which also contains vitamin B1. Therefore, eggs also contain vitamin B1. One egg has been cooked contains 0.03 mcg vitamin B1.

Fruits containing Vitamin B1

1. Pineapple: The first discussion will be discussed fruits that contain vitamin B1. First of pineapple. Pineapple fruit known for living in the highlands have been widely grown in Indonesia. The fruit which has a characteristic yellow scaly and sour. Many planted in areas of western Java, East Java and North Sumatra. The content of vitamin B1 in this pineapple per 100 grams is 0.08 mcg. This fruit is useful to prevent stress on the brain.

2. Oranges: For oranges itself, vitamin B1 is dependent on a variety of oranges itself. The content of vitamin B1 in lemon per 100 grams is 0.04 mcg. The content of vitamin B1 on sweet oranges per 100 gram was 0.08 mcg. The content of vitamin B1 in tangerines per 100 grams is 0.07 mcg and so on.

3. Grapes: The content of vitamin B1 in grapes per 100 grams is 0.05 mcg. This fruit is useful to to treat fatigue and hypoglycemia which contain natural sugars are fructose and glucose. It also prevents coronary heart disease by 50%. Besides grapes also prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood because it contains saponins.

4. Watermelon: The content of vitamin B1 in watermelon 100 grams is 0,033 mcg. The watermelon fruit has the benefit of improving blood circulation, increase metabolism, and prevent neurological damage. This fruit is typical. Where the hard skin of the fruit is green, with dark green stripes. Red fruit contains a lot of water and seeds.

Vitamin B1 foods from vegetables

1. Asparagus: The vitamin B1 in asparagus 100 grams is 0.143 mcg. Asparagus can be made in a variety of foods such as soup, eaten directly, salad, cream, meat or vegetables complementary. The benefits of this vegetable is able to keep the digestive system in the stomach and lose weight.

2. Spinach: The content of vitamin B1 in spinach 100 grams was 0.08 mcg. While the spinach itself has benefits such as anti-inflammatory, to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. Besides spinach is also beneficial to prevent osteoporosis and diabetes.

3. Eggplant: The content of vitamin B1 in eggplant 100 grams is 0,039 mcg. Eggplant is grown in Indonesia without knowing the season. Can be dry or rainy season. Purple fruit. This eggplant beneficial to lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, facilitate urine disposal. In addition it is also beneficial to cure digestive problems and cough.

4. Paprika: its content of vitamin B1 was 22.0 mcg. This paprika fruit as a bell with a variety of colors (types). This fruit has no spicy chili, spicy but sweet. Because the seeds are ingested peppers such as chili, the processed food seasoning. Benefits paprika itself increases the body's immunity, prevent eye disease, increase sperm count in men, and and a good source of antioxidants.

5. Broccoli: The content of vitamin B1 in broccoli 100 grams is 10 mcg. Broccoli is a vegetable that is unique to the shape of the leaves like mushrooms, which originate in the trunk. The tree is small but rich in nutrients. Broccoli is useful against various types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.

6. Carrot: Vitamin B1 in carrots 100 grams is 0.04 mcg. Carrots are a lot of benefits. In addition to a lot of carrots contain beta carotene which can maintain eye health, carrots are also useful to treat hypertension, can overcome the fever that attacked the child, then heal burns, to cope with menstrual pain.

Other sources of Vitamin B1

1. Wheat: The content of vitamin B1 in one cup of wheat containing 4.47 micrograms of vitamin B1. For that grain can be consumed for the fulfillment of vitamin B1 daily basis. Although until now more wheat is found in cereals compared to the other dishes.

2. Cereal: Cereal including modern processed foods, in some countries, cereal food has become mandatory for breakfast needs. Cereal itself is a product of wheat. The content of vitamin B1 was high enough. Just because a quarter cup is able to meet 0.5 mcg vitamin B1. Moreover, these cereals can be combined with other side dishes such as meat and fish.

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